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Nails (Hammering)

To dream of a nail represents holding power or persistence in some area of your life. Something that is binding. You may feel forcefully bound to something. There may be responsibilities or obligations that can't be ignored. You may feel forced to do something.

To hammer nails in your dream represents willpower, tenacity, or persistence. It may also reflect the binding nature of a final or long term decision. You may be forcing something to happen.

To dream of having your hands nailed to objects represents feelings of being forcefully bound to certain situations. You may be unable to do as you please or express yourself in a way that you'd like.

Example: A woman who worked in the corporate world once dreamed of seeing an imprisoned artist with his hands nailed to an object he was holding. The nails reflected her feelings of being forcefully bound to her work responsibilities. The artist in her felt trapped by work obligations and unable to express her creativity.

*Please See Hammer


To dream of fingernails represents thoughts and feelings about your self-worth, confidence, accomplishments, and self-image. The condition of nails reflects how positive or negative you feel about yourself.

To dream of a fingernail breaking may reflect a temporary loss of confidence in your abilities, self-worth, or self-image. Experiencing an unpleasant wait to reestablish a confident self image. Not feeling good thinking people a re noticing you can't do things for yourself.

To dream of having fingernails totally removed represents having no self-worth. Your confidence has been totally decimated. Anything that would allow you to feel good or build confidence is beyond your grasp.

Painting your fingernails represents a heightened sense of self-worth or importance about your capabilities. Negatively, it may reflect vanity or conceit.

To dream of having long fingernails for fashion represents sensitivity about only doing what you like at all times. Alternatively, it may reflect vanity or an unwillingness to "get your hands dirty."

To dream of long fingernails because they've overgrown may represent personal issues that you need to attend to or that you've neglected. You may feel the need to clean up a personal matter before you feel comfortable around others.

To dream of dirty fingernails a low sense of self-worth. You may feel that you are not good enough or not as good as someone else.

To dream of cutting your fingernails represents personal attention to how you appear to others. Softening or polishing your appearance so you look respectable. It may also reflect personal attention to appearances after a period of being too focused on work or taking time off. Feeling that it's important to look like you matter.

To dream of cutting your nails in public represents a lack of concern for privacy or discretion as you deal with personal issues. Cleaning up your act or polishing your appearance in ways that may be unflattering to others. Not being embarrassed by being noticed that you aren't perfect.

To dream of sharp fingernails may represent you or someone else that scares others with not having to be behave respectful. An aggressive or assertive stance about not changing something about yourself that others don't like you doing.

Example: A woman dreamed of all her fingernails breaking. In waking life she lived with her brother who was currently out of town. She felt safe when he was around because she could depend on him whenever she needed him. He was protective and able to fix things. Now that he was out of town she had temporarily lost that feeling as small problems came up.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of her fingernails being eaten by a kitten. In waking life she dropped out of University and although she tried her best to be optimistic about her future she was concerned that without a degree she would like less like an important worthy individual.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of using a knife to slice her own fingernails. In waking life she was having issues with self-worth and not liking herself the way she was.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of removing something that was growing under her fingernail that didn't belong there. Once she removed the object she felt empty inside. In waking life her ex-husband wanted her to move back in with him and she decided not to, effectively ending all possibility of the couple ever getting back together. The unwanted object she removed from her fingernail may have reflected her ex-husbands lingering feelings for her giving her confidence and her choice to put an end to it once and for all. She secretly felt confidence from knowing her ex had lingering feelings for her, but felt it was unhealthy to keep thinking that way.


To dream of a manicure represents feelings about efforts made to maintain good appearances with your capabilities. Looking good never uncomfortable with professional or adult appearances. Looking good having money or resources. Looking good never being in debt. An attractive sense of self-worth that is made obvious to other people. Properly maintained professional or adult appearances.

Example: A woman dreamed of having her very well manicured nails cut really short. In waking life she received a final demand to pay a large sum of taxes owed which she couldn't afford to pay. The normally well manicured nails being cut very short may have reflected her feelings about her professional or adult appearances after going into debt to pay a tax bill.


To dream of toenails represents a determination of self-worth based on areas of your life that aren't easily noticed by others. Things you are proud about privately. A reflection of how valuable you know yourself to be without showing it off. Feelings about how well you respect yourself being a moral grownup that rarely needs to talk about it. Feelings about yourself never embarrassing yourself being looked at as immoral by other people. Staying the way you are is deserved. How confident or respectfully adult you feel on rare occasions when something personal is revealed about you such as income.

Toenails may symbolize self-perception about how skilled, talented, intelligent, powerful, or rich you feel yourself to be. Confidence that you don't feel the need to talk about often. Feelings about being good at something and not having to talk about it all the time. Never uncomfortable with your status or who you are because people will just see it. Nice toenails may indicate you feel confident that nobody tells you that you're stupid about your job or being financially sound. Being noticed as always paying your bills or being a moral adult if the occasion ever requires talking about it.

To dream of painting your toenails represents feeling good noticing your strengths or things you are secure about. Feeling special about why you never embarrass yourself. A strong feeling of confidence that you are too good to lower yourself in ways others do. Feeling safe no matter what you are doing. Negatively, painting your toenails may represent conceit, vanity, or feeling as though you are better than other people so much that it's all you ever think about.

To dream of having long toenails may represent neglect of your strengths. Letting yourself go. A sign that you are not as motivated or focused as you could be. It may also reflect a big distraction in your life. Not maintaining things that let you respect yourself.

To dream of cutting your toenails represents maintenance or protection of a secure aspect of your life. Making sure an area of your life that you are totally confident about stays secure. Making sure your reputation, skills, or resources are not diminished. Ensuring that others never see your flaws.

To dream of an ingrown toenail may reflect a big screw up or problem with enjoying being a grownup or having permanently successful appearances that you can't believe won't go away right away. Not feeling professional about why you have to wait for a problem to go away. Annoyance with a mistake or something mean that embarrasses you with feeling little until it goes away. Privately not liking noticing a problem in case you have to talk about it.

Example: A woman dreamed of her toenail being blackened and falling off leaving only skin. In waking life she was concerned about her 38 year old son's mental state while he continued living at home with her. In this case the broken off toenail may have reflected her feelings about losing confidence when occasionally talking about herself being a good mother to other mothers due her son current life. She may have felt like a failure of a mother that didn't look good to talk about her son to other people with if the subject should arise.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of having an ingrown toenail that was hurting bad. In waking life she lost her job and was deeply worried about losing her home. In this case the ingrown toenail may have reflected her feelings about losing her job making it impossible to make home payments while other people may have found it a rare occasion to witness her not looking her professional about paying for things.

*Please See Nail Clippers



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