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To dream of seeing magic represents a sense of awe or wonder about something that has happened. You may feel that something does all the work for you.

Alternatively, magic may represent manipulation or control of other people that defies belief. Power or influence that surprises you.

Magic may also reflect a big change in your bad fortune. You are surprised how wonderful or perfect something is after having a lot of bad luck.

To dream of a magic trick represents a change that feels wonderful or amazing and doesn't require an explanation. It may also represent a very powerful instantaneous change in your life that defied all your expectations. You can't believe that something worked.

It may also reflect a habit or coping mechanism that instantly solves a problem. Something you or someone else does that fixes a problem without needing further discussion. Something you say or do fixes something "like magic."

Example: A gay man dreamed of seeing someone perform a magic trick with a chain. In waking life he was noticing that telling people he couldn't do anything about his gay lifestyle was instantly making them more accepting of him.

*Please See Magician

*Please See Magic Wand

*Please See Witchcraft

*Please See Black Magic

Black Magic

To dream of black magic represents obtaining your wishes through underhanded tricks. Giving away all your integrity or morality in order to manipulate others. Getting what you want through deception, evil, and treachery.

To dream that you are performing black magic may be a sign that you are too willing to sacrifice all that good in yourself to achieve your goals. Leaving behind your integrity as a means to an end. A willingness to "sellout" for the long-term in order to get short-term power.

Magic Carpet

To dream of a magic carpet represents a situation in waking life where you are enjoying yourself noticing all the work being done for you.

Example: A woman dreamed of riding on a magic flying carpet. In waking life she was a psychologist who had set up a website to accept submissions from people all around the world to make her research easier. The magic carpet reflected her feelings about enjoying how easy and successful the project was as people using the website did all the work for her.

Magic Mushrooms

*Please See Psilocybin

Magic Wand

To dream of a magic wand represents feelings of having the liberty or power to change a situation whenever you want. The power to control, manipulate, or influence others easily.

Negatively, a magic wand may reflect arrogant exploitation of others feelings or good nature because it's easy. Abusing your ability to influence.


To dream of trick-or-treating on Halloween represents feelings about using a scary moment to fake appearances in order to make someone or a large group of people gift you something. Feelings about an unconventional or playful approach to gain benefits during a scary moment by manipulating people with fake appearances. Feeling good about how easy it is to scare someone into helping you with your problems by asking. A tendency to be easily swayed by others or to engage in manipulative behaviors in order to attain personal gain during a scary moment. Manipulation of others during a scary crisis or scary moment with the feeling that people like to help you without hesitation because it's expected of them. Feelings about scaring a large number of people into feeling good for you if you put a lot of effort into faking the seriousness of a situation through fear. Feeling that you will get mandatory respect, love, or a pleasant experience if you can scare people into loving to help you. Attempting personal gain during a scary situation that you feel is childish to be afraid of yourself.

Feeling good telling a lot of people you are having problems, can't pay bills, or aren't safe so they will want to feel good helping you with gifted support due to social expectations. Putting a lot of effort into making people scared for you so they will feel good helping you with free handouts.

Positively, dreaming about trick-or-treating might symbolize a creative, adaptable, or opportunistic attitude about using a scary situation because you are not afraid when everyone else is. It may reflect a conscious choice to manipulate a situation or relationship in order to bring about a beneficial outcome. A desire for reward, acknowledgment, or material gains through adopting a different persona or changing your behavior to cater to others' expectations. Your thoughts about the need to push boundaries, to dare, or to create unique opportunities for growth during a scary moment.

Negatively, dreaming about trick-or-treating could represent feelings of deception, manipulation, or insincerity. The use of pretense or falsehood to gain advantages from others because you are not afraid when everyone else is. You might be exploiting others' fear or uncertainty to serve your personal interests. Alternatively, it could suggest a lack of self-esteem or confidence, leading you to hide behind a 'mask' or false identity. Manipulativeness that doesn't think it's a problem.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing someone trick-or-treating wearing a Halloween mask. In waking life, his wife got arrested for a DUI and he had to scare a number of people he knew to help him pay bills to get through it. In this case, the trick-or-treating may have reflected his feelings about having to resort to manipulation or exaggeration of the severity of his situation (the "scary moment") to elicit financial help from friends or acquaintances. He may have felt as though he was donning a metaphorical "mask" to influence people into aiding him during this challenging period.

*Please See Halloween


To dream of voodoo represents feelings about dishonest manipulation and control. Feeling that as long as you do something dishonest in a perfect way that you can have total control over someone. Noticing very personal things about people that you feel allows you to have total control over them. Feelings about evil manipulation of coworkers, friends, and family. Dishonest manipulation of others that feels like a black magic spell.

Example: A teenage girl dreamed of a voodoo queen that was physically dead, but still alive. In waking life she had been trying to manipulate people to keep girls away from a boy she had a crush on, but the manipulation wasn't working as she found out the boy she had a crush on didn't like her.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of fearing someone else would use voodoo magic on her son. In waking life she was having problems at work with a coworker turning her boss against her for months.



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