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Chicken (Food)

To dream of eating chicken represents a situation in your life that gives you confidence. You may be overcoming a fear or anxiety you had. Overcoming cowardice. Pride in yourself for having stood up to something that scares you.

To dream of fried chicken represents confidence gained in situations that you overcome by perfectly humiliating someone. Confidence that is regained easily. Laughing at problems or bullies after humiliating them. Feeling good being a confident jerk with ease. Standing up to a problem that leaves you feeling confident that the problem is noticeably impossible to become a problem again. Confidence in being able to eat whatever you want without gaining weight.

Negatively, fried chicken in a dream may reflect feelings about enemies or competition in your life gaining advantages over you with stunning ease. Awareness of yourself being confident while being excessively mean to people. Respecting yourself too much. Confidently resting on your laurels or passed accomplishments that may eventually cause a problem. Naively believing you deserve to be overconfident. Too much confidence in being rich being able to solve all your problems. Delusions or misguided beliefs about how easy something is.

To dream of raw chicken feelings of confidence about situations that are dangerous, careless, or unpleasant. Confidence about situations that don't need to look good. Overcoming a fear or bully in a reckless manner. Overcoming cowardice in an ugly or
pleasant manner.

To dream of enemies or evil people eating chicken in a dream may reflect jealousy of your enemies becoming more confident than you. Feelings about losing confidence in being able to overcome problems or challenges. Feeling that other people are becoming confident about never needing to respect you. Certainty in why you deserve to lose confidence. Fear of your enemies or competition becoming better than you.

Alternatively, dreaming of evil people in a dream eating chicken may reflect awareness of yourself becoming confident in a very dishonest, immoral, or arrogant manner. Awareness of yourself being enjoying being a jerk to someone. Confidence that you feel while being mean to people.

To dream of chicken wings represents feelings about enjoying confidence in a situation with a challenge being too easy. Enjoying confidence with something that is easier than you thought. Confidently having a good time.

To dream of hotwings or chicken wings with hotsauce represents feeling of enjoying confidence with a dangerous situation being too easy. Confidently having a good time getting away with something dangerous or risky.

Example: A young girl dreamed of sleeping on a giant piece of friend chicken and then falling off of it and breaking her legs. In waking life she was too confident in being able to eat whatever she wanted without gaining weight and then when she gained weight she didn't like having to go on a diet and exercise regularly.

Example 2: A teenage girl dreamed of seeing her grandfather making fried chicken. In waking life she had done very poorly on a school exam and felt that she had to study perfect from that point on so she could be perfectly confident about her future school performance. The fried chicken in this case may have reflected her confident beliefs about getting perfect grades if she pushed herself harder at school...something she may not have genuinely had the motivation to do.

Example 3: A man dreamed of eating chicken wings with hot sauce. In waking life he was running an illegal pornography business and never got caught. He felt felt good being confident making lots of money without worrying about how dangerously illegal what he was doing was. He was shocked at how easy it was to run his illegal business.

Chicken Coop

To dream of a chicken coop represents something you know you can always rely on or use whenever you want. A person or situation that always provides confidence when you are insecure.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing chicken coops she didn't trust. In waking life she just had a baby and didn't feel comfortable calling anyone to babysit for here.

Chicken Pox

To dream of chicken pox represents a problem you are experiencing that can only be solved with inaction or patience. You may be experiencing a negative situation where you have to "bite your tongue", sit it out, or impotently experience a problem from beginning to end without being able to act against it lest you aggravate it. Chicken pox may be a sign that you need to put priorities first or that enjoyment needs to be placed on hold for more serious matters.

Alternatively, chicken pox may reflect a serious problem you believe only has to be confronted once.

Playing Chicken

To dream the car challenge game called "Chicken" represents risking everything prove you're not a coward or that you have more "balls" than someone else.

Negatively, playing the chicken game may reflect risking too much to prove yourself. Too much ego to see what matters most. To much arrogance to just walk away and tell yourself something doesn't matter. Terrifying your friends or family that you'd risk everything you have to look stronger or braver than someone else.


To dream of using a barbecue represents a carefree attitude about something you're planning. Feeling good noticing that nothing can stop you from planning or preparing something your way. Enjoying less rules or eased restrictions about making plans to do something. Feeling that nothing sucks about what you are planning to do next. Plans or preparations that feel good not needing to be serious.

Negatively, dreaming about a barbecue represents a carefree attitude about dishonestly enjoying planning to do something your own way that doesn't suck. Plans to do something illegal in private that doesn't need to tell anyone. A carefree attitude that is making preparations to get someone back, spend stolen money for fun, or enjoying making an example out of someone you are getting back at. A possible sign that you are frustrated with something that doesn't allow you to easily make plans, spend money, or socialize. A wish to move on from a difficult relationship that prevents a carefree attitude about living your life.

To dream of a barbecue with no food represents a wish to have a carefree attitude about something you are planning, but it's not happening.

To dream of using a barbecue in your backyard may represent a relaxed attitude about planning for something that you don't like talking about. It may also reflect a carefree attitude about not getting caught planning to do something wrong or dangerous.

To dream of eating barbecued food represents a situation in your life that is encouraging you to be carefree. Enjoying a situation your way that you feel doesn't suck. An experience you are having that feels good noticing there is nothing difficult or jealous.

Consider the type of food for additional meaning.

Example: A young man dreamed of having a barbecue in his backyard. In waking life he was enjoying himself getting ready for his first year of high school. In this case the barbecue may have reflected his carefree attitude about the planning for school by spending the money given to him on preparing for school in a way he liked without having to tell his parents.

Example 2: A woman dreamed that her plans for a family barbecue were rudely changed by her ex-husband who chose to go invite everyone on a fishing trip instead. In waking life she felt that demanding to have a 50% stake in a family business was going to be easy and that she would just go start a new life afterwards. In the end the husband was far more difficult to deal with than she expected. In this case the barbecue may have reflected her feelings about enjoying an easier life financially while spending her 50% stake of the family business differently than her husband would chose for her.

Example 3: A man dreamed of joking about having a barbecue for a dead camel with an old friend he doesn't speak to anymore. In waking life he was disappointed by friendship. In this case the humorous barbecue comment may have reflected his non-serious attitude about enjoying plans to get back at someone who disappointed him because he easily could if he seriously wanted to.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of a dangerous man being murdered and dismembered with the dismembered body parts stored near a barbecue. In waking life she was having financial problems while worried about losing her home and feeding her dogs raw meat from animals she caught and butchered. In this case the barbecue may have reflected her feelings about feeding her dogs her own way with butchered animals she caught to save money without anyone telling her she shouldn't.

Example 5: A man dreamed of a barbecue with no food. In waking life he was concerned with a custody battle that was stressing him out. In this case the barbecue with no food may have reflected his wish to tell a story to the custody hearing or lawyers about why he should be easily given custody of his children that didn't work out. Feeling good making plans with his children his way that felt good that wasn't easy to make happen.


To dream of KFC or Kentucky Fried Chicken represents confidence in enjoying a familiar, satisfying, indulgent experience believing in yourself completely.

Negatively, dreaming about a KFC restaurant represents feelings of confidence, familiarity, indulgence, and satisfaction that makes you feel sleazy or not beneficial long-term. Confidence and satisfaction in immediate gratification that might be costly or ruin you to enjoy it too often. This could reflect a love for convenience, ease, and immediate gratification, possibly at the expense of long-term goals or healthier options. It may suggest a need to evaluate your self-discipline and control, especially concerning food, work, or other aspects of your life. Temptation or the allure of immediate gratification. A call to examine whether you are sacrificing your long-term happiness for short-term pleasure. Confidence for something familiar, satisfying, and comfortable that could have long-term consequences to your health or finances if you're indulgent too regularly (e.g.enjoying costly front row seats to concerts or sports games to every single event instead of occasionally).

To dream of eating at a KFC, it may suggest that you are seeking comfort or solace in familiar, albeit potentially unhealthy, habits or situations. This could be a reminder to look for more balanced or healthier alternatives in your life.

Overall, dreaming of KFC may suggest a need to balance enjoyment with moderation and consideration for one's health and well-being.

To dream that other people eat at KFC while you don't may reflect feelings of other people being overconfident scumbags. Bad friends who sleazily prefer short-term confidence for self-interest over helping you. Rich or powerful people who use you or appear to enjoy using others. Jealousy of someone else being overconfident.

People who work at KFC may have dreams of KFC if they are experiencing issues with work or coworkers. Also consider how certain locations inside the building at work feel and how they may mirror waking life situations not related to work.

Example: A woman dreamed of her boyfriend and his friend going to KFC. She didn't go along and she pretended she wasn't upset. In waking life, her boyfriend and his friend were alcoholics on a drinking binge together. In this case, the KFC may have reflected her feelings about her boyfriend and his friend confidently breaking sobriety together to go out to a familiar bar comfortably getting drunk with friends who didn't see the long-term consequences of it.

Example 2: A man dreamed of someone promising to get KFC and not getting it yet. A different person offered to go get the KFC. In waking life, the man took a break from working in theater after some successful shows. He felt a sense of fear of missing out and disconnected from the theater world. He planned to meet with theater people the next night. In this case, KFC may represent the man's confidence in occasional indulgence in theater work. He feels comfortable and satisfied being on stage and receiving attention from the audience. He may have a belief that working in theater full-time could negatively impact his life, but temporary involvement brings him happiness. Overall, dreaming of KFC may suggest that the man is finding balance between his love for theater and the need for other aspects of his life.

Example 3: A man dreamed of eating at a KFC restaurant. In waking life he had the opportunity to have sex with a girl who wanted to get pregnant when he didn't want to get her pregnant. In this case, the KFC may have reflected his feelings of temptation for immediate satisfaction and indulgence with the woman, despite knowing the potential long-term consequences of getting her pregnant.



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