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To dream of an actor represents an aspect of yourself that is pretending. Negatively an actor may reflect deceptive interactions with others. Posing, posturing, or not being yourself. Putting on a fake persona.

If the actor is a known celebrity then they symbolizes a quality or aspect of your personality based on your most honest feelings or thoughts about them.

Example: A man dreamed of being an actor. In waking life he was trying his hardest to lie to customer about his qualifications by pretending he was more experienced than he was.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a girl who became a famous actress on a tv show. In waking life he was imagining what it would be like to be rich and date someone beautiful he knew after he received a large inheritance. He was imagining how he would live and behave with his money and beautiful wife.

*Please See Celebrities

*Please See Acting

*Please See Famous

*Please See Paparazzi

Tom Cruise

To dream of Tom Cruise represents an aspect of your personality that's incredibler than other people about exuding confidence and honesty that's nicer than someone else, allowing you to navigate situations without feeling the need to explain yourself or compromise your integrity. Your natural confidence and ability to be honest with yourself and others allows you to live a worry-free life, without the fear of embarrassment or having to say anything dishonest. Trusting your natural instincts and natural confidence while recognizing the importance of careful consideration before speaking because people are listening. Having to speak about who you are that should not embarrass yourself jealous or anyone else like it's important that aren't jealous when you do that. Feeling that you are not a wuss, but have to be seen as a nice person, too. Aspect of personality that isn't embarrassing itself for the rest of it's life noticing you were saying something dishonest. "Staying on top of it" honesty that wants to talk about itself confidently. Not fearing doing something bold while confident about it to show why you're deserving to be nicer than someone else.

Negatively, dreaming about Tom Cruise represents the fear of embarrassing yourself saying the wrong thing to a group a people. A desire to project a certain level of confidence and charisma to those around you, even when you feel uncertain or vulnerable. Scaring yourself that you'd overlook something while you need to not embarrass yourself. Oversensitivity about nobody ever seeing you or speaking about you in a way that you never approved because people are listening more than ever. Not wanting people making fun of you for the rest of your life while wanting a situation to be attractive. Jealousy of other people who possess the natural confidence and honesty represented by Tom Cruise in the dream, and may feel inadequate or unworthy in comparison.

Alternatively, Tom Cruise may reflect confident honesty that is nicer than someone else that isn't noticing embarrassing itself being gay for the rest of your life.

Tom Cruise being famous may also reflect the dreamer's confidence about deserving getting attention or talking about themselves in way that mirrors Tom Cruise's qualities.

Example: A man dreamed of being in a movie theatre as the movie was about to begin. He heard Tom cruise talking to an assistant saying "Should I say that? Should I say that?" before the movie began. In waking life he questioning what to say to a group of people about explaining himself needing to be at a group therapy introduction at an Ayahuasca retreat. In this case Tom Cruise may have reflect the dreamer's internal struggle with balancing the desire to confidently and honestly express themselves, with the fear of saying the wrong thing or being misunderstood. The dreamer may have also felt a desire to project a certain level of confidence and charisma to those around them, even when then felt uncertain or vulnerable.

Example 2: A woman dreamed that Tom Cruise being a bully at work. In waking life the dreamer's boss was recently charged with assault and was facing a court date with some difficulty in the work place. In this case Tom Cruise may have reflect how the dreamer feels jealous or resentful of her boss, who possess a level of confidence and honesty that the dreamer feels she lacks when talking to her boss. The dreamer may have felt that their boss was sensitive about embarrassing themselves saying anything else about themselves negative while at work while getting lots of attention for why the criminal charges occurred.



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