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To dream of a shawl represents a display of self-respect or dignity to others. Feeling good knowing you will never lower yourself. Feeling comfortable projecting your sense of establishment or deserved power to others. Feeling good knowing that people can't embarrass you because you are too resourceful or protected.

Negatively, a shawl may reflect you or someone else that is too concerned with their dignity, accomplishments, or feelings of protection.


To dream of a shirt in a dream represents your personality style. The style and color of the shirt represent the way you are choosing to think or behave.

To dream of being shirtless or losing your shirt represents embarrassment or feeling forced to be honest.

To dream of a white shirt represents the personality being genuine, honest, or proper. Alternatively, a white shirt may reflect personality changes. A negative thinking pattern is being corrected or life is forcing you to change yourself.

*Please See T-Shirt

*Please See Sweatshirt

Shoe Polish

To dream about shoe polish represents a concern about your methods or the way you do things to look impressive or beyond reproach. A wish to look perfectly competent, intelligent, or respectable with your style of operating. Maintaining a quality reputation or strong appearance of winning.


To dream of shoelaces represents being set in your ways, commitment to principles, ideology, or how adamant or confident you are in your beliefs.

To have shoelaces coming undone represents weakening principles, straying from goals you have set out for yourself, a lack of preparation, or being unable to complete a task as expected.

To dream that your shoelaces are already untied represents a lack of preparation for a task at hand. Perhaps you are not ready to move forward in a relationship or endeavor.

To dream of tying your shoelaces represents preparation for a challenge. You may be ready to move forward with goals or carry out a decision.

To be attacked by someone with shoelaces represents you or someone else that may feel there is a lack of commitment in some area. You may be blaming yourself or feel that someone is blaming you for not trying hard enough.

To dream of shoes lacking shoelaces represents feelings about an approach to life that you have no serious commitment to. Feelings about a way of doing thing or making changes to behavior that you have no serious willpower for.

Example: A man dreamed of being handed shoes with no shoelaces in them. In waking life he felt that it was his responsibility to change his life to help his family in another state with their health and finances, but he has no motivation to get serious about it.


To dream of shoes represents your approach to life or a situation. How you choose to deal with situations. Your style or methodology for confronting problems. Our principles, morals, objectives, or motivations. Look to the color and style of shoe for additional symbolism.

To dream of getting a new pair of shoes represents new methods of approaching situations or going about life. New ideas, new insights, or new skills that are transforming your outlook. Confronting problems differently or changing how you interact with people.

To dream of shoes that are too cramped represents an approach to a situation that is too limiting and ineffective.

To dream of changing your shoes represents changing your approach to a situation. Different methods or ideas are being used.

To dream of taking your shoes off represents giving up your approach to a situation. You may have found that certain ideas or methods are not useful to you. Retiring from a situation or challenge. Negatively, it may be a sign that you are giving up or giving in too easily.

To dream of white shoes represents an approach to a situation that is based on good intentions or wanting to do nothing wrong. Alternatively, a white shoes may reflect an approach to a situation or life that is focused on fixing problems or dealing with negativity for good.

To dream of red shoes represents a dangerous approach to a situation. Dealing with problems in a criminal, risky, dangerous, intentionally dishonest, or reckless manner. Dealing with situations with no regard for other people's feelings. A method of problem solving that is excessively dishonest. Dealing with problems by being very angry at people or scaring people with change they can't refuse. Using sex in a dishonest manner to get what you want from people.

To dream of being unable to find your shoes represents feelings of being unable to approach a situation with confidence or in a way you are used to doing. Feeling that your methods to solving a problem will not work the way you thought they would.

To dream of polishing shoes represents an attempt to look perfect or "polished" with your methods of dealing with a situation. Not wanting to look nervous, inexperienced, or immoral in any way at all. Wanting to look good knowing what you are talking about to others or like you can be trusted. You may be concerned about making a good first impression or that you are beyond criticism.

To dream of a pair of sneakers (running shoes) represents an approach to a situation that is casual or worry free. Playing it cool. Not taking life too seriously. Comfort and satisfaction with yourself and who you are.

Negatively, a sneakers may be a sign that you are not being serious enough about how you go about doing something. Irresponsibility or ignoring danger. Always taking the easy options. Playing it too cool.

To dream of wet shoes may reflect feelings of embarrassment that your approach to a situation didn't work out as planned. Methods or problem solving have caused more problems. Your manner of approaching a situation is causing problems or making your life more difficult. Embarrassment that you aren't as effective as you want to be.

To dream of wearing two different shoes represents feelings about conflicting approaches to a situation. Two different simultaneous methods of living, doing your job, or living in a relationship. Awareness of yourself not being 100% loyal. Awareness of yourself not being 100% decided or focused. Awareness of yourself not being 100% team player.

Negatively, wearing two different shoes may reflect problems with living honestly or difficulty adjusting to new conditions in your life. Awkwardly living a double life or pretending you like something only because someone else likes it. Awareness of yourself living a lie or having to be a different person to different people. Fearing looking like a fake to two different people. Excessive people pleasing or difficulty being comfortable being yourself.

To dream of shoes breaking represents feelings about an approach to a situation not working anymore or not being good enough. Feeling forced to change your approach to a situation. Feelings that there is something wrong with your approach to a situation that can't be fixed. Negatively, it may be a sign that you are either overdoing something, not experienced enough, or even possibly not being persistent enough in your ways. Embarrassment that your methods are not as good as someone else's.

Example: A psychiatrist dreamed of wearing shoes that were too cramped. In real life she was beginning to feel that Freud's methods were too limiting to her work in understand people's minds. The cramped shoes reflected her feelings that using a Freudian approach to therapy was too limiting to be effective for all her clients.

Example 2: A man dreamed of trying to decide between two pairs of shoes. In waking life was writing a book and trying to decide whether to be totally honest about some stupid things he had done or to avoid writing about them completely.

Example 3: A man dreamed that the soles of his shoes were worn out and that new soles were only allowed for Nazi Storm Troopers. In waking life he was living in Nazi Germany and once he had exhausted his ability to secretly avoid Nazi restrictions he felt forced to accept them to continue his life normally.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of being unable to find a certain pair of shoes. In waking life she was unable to find a way to deal with a problem she had.


To dream of shorts in a dream represents a relaxed, worry free, laid back, or carefree attitude during a negative situation. Showing yourself or other people that you aren't letting problems get you down.

Black or red shorts represents a laid back or care free attitude that is negative or excessive. You are too comfortable or relaxed about a situation that you should be more conservative about. It may also reflect showing off, bragging, or a neglectful attitude when a problem arises.

Shower Cap

To dream of a shower cap represents a wish to avoid changing your mindset or thinking style as you undergo some kind of renewal. Wanting to feel better about yourself or look better to others without having to change you attitude, mood, or intentions. Shielding yourself from some emotional situation.

Negatively, a shower cap may reflect a stubborn attitude while you undergo a change or renewal. A bad relationship or situation may have improved, but you don't want to change how you think about it.

Ski Mask

To dream of a ski mask represents an aspect of your personality that wishes to remain hidden or unknown at all costs. You or someone else that is avoiding the truth or is obviously trying to keep something a secret. Risking everything to avoid the truth.

To dream of being robbed by someone wearing a ski mask represents feelings that you are being forced into something without a proper explanation.

Example: A young boy dreamed of a ski mask wearing criminal in his house. In real life his father just died and everyone in the family was trying to avoid telling him about it.

Example 2: A man dreamed of running away from a man in a ski mask. In waking life he was trying to avoid being noticed for his weak language skills in business dealings in a foreign country.


To dream of a skirt represents invitation, flirtation, or temptation. You may be "itching" to spoil yourself or are close to carrying out something that is interesting you. You may feel that something is "calling you" or inviting you to enjoy it.

Negatively, a skirt may be a sign that you are "playing with fire" or close to succumbing to temptation.

Alternatively, a skirt may reflect real life situations where you are flirting with someone or feel that you are being flirted with. A reflection of inviting social cues being made by you or someone else. It reflects signals, hidden messages, or subtleties being projected by to others or that you fantasize about. Black or red skirts point to inappropriate, or excessive sexual fantasizing.

If there is anxiety in a dream about someone seeing up a skirt, it represents the fear of someone you like finding out your true feelings. The underwear symbolizing your attitudes to sex or romance, and the discovery being the revelation of your feelings.

To dream of a school girl's skirt represents a self-conscious attitude about a person or situation that you like and don't wish to embarrass yourself with. It may reflect your concern to maintain a good reputation while interviewing for a job or anxiety about keeping someone you like with a good impression of you.

Men dreaming of girls they want to date in a school girl's uniform may reflects their desire to date them while also being very self-conscious about what they feel about you.


To dream of slippers represents an approach to a situation or problem that's all-comfortable. Feeling good about the direction you are taking. It may also reflect confidence with ideas, beliefs, or plans you have.

Negatively, you may be ignoring problems or telling yourself that no danger exists. You may have overlooked how serious something is.

Example: A man dreamed of someone telling him to change his slippers because someone might think he was gay. In waking life he was dealing with the tax department and realized they may think something is wrong with his story if he is too confident about it. The slippers reflected his initial approach to the tax department overlooking the seriousness of the situation.


To dream of a snowsuit represents the personality being ready to confront terrible emotions at any time. Readiness to face a problem at any time. A situation where you are totally preoccupied with having to start your life over. Feeling that you are "head deep" in having to start over or redo some area of your life. A constant state of confronting your hardest limitations.

Negatively, a snowsuit may reflect feelings that nothing is helping you with a problem related to starting over. Feeling that you are always "head deep" in starting over with a situation making no real progress, Feeling that you are constantly needing shield yourself from terrible hurt or very unpleasant emotions.

Example: A woman dreamed that her daughter was wearing a padded snowsuit that protected her from injury as she was struck by a car. In waking life this woman's daughter was killed when she was struck by a car. The woman was having issues dealing with the loss of her daughter and having to discuss her daughter's death. The padded snowsuit may have reflected her feelings about being more emotionally prepared to talk or think about her daughter's death and the effects of it on her life.


To dream of socks represents comfort, confidence, ordinariness, or what you have become used to about yourself. Carefully thought out ideas within your own mind about you belief is right.

Black or red socks may point to arrogance, overconfidence, resting on your laurels, or the abuse of power.


To dream of a Mexican sombrero represents a mood or attitude that thinks everything happening is amazing. Having a very good time accepting yourself the way you are. An attitude that doesn't feel it's outrageous to have a good time all the time.

Negatively, dreaming about a Mexican sombrero represents an attitude that respecting itself enjoying itself without any concern at all for how awful for dangerous it may be for others. Outrageous festive attitude or showing off celebrating. Ignoring how dangerously famous you are for upsetting people. Protecting yourself from lots of negative attention while enjoying respecting yourself. Dangerously ignoring people during a bad situation because you won't feel good about yourself helping them.


To dream of a speedo swimsuit represents behavior or intentions that are focused on nothing except never losing to negativity. Facing uncertainty while caring about nothing except getting through it or overcoming it. Total preoccupation with facing a problem or confronting something.

The symbolism is based on water representing negative situations or uncertainty. The speedo swimsuit is then a reflection of the personality being totally focused or minimalist while confronting this.

*Please See G-String

*Please See Thong

Sports Bra

To dream of a sports bra represents feelings of protecting yourself passive in order to competitively deserve to matter without explaining it. Confidence in not being cheated out of doing things the same as other when being assertive because you are usually passive. Protecting yourself not looking stupid being assertive when being passive is more normal for you. Passive behavior that is protective of itself never embarrassing itself being a flopper - someone who fails to deliver on their promises, and your determination to never undermine your worth or give up being doing what you said you'd do. A sense of protection or security in your ability to stand up for yourself when you usually don't. Not having to say anything to someone about protecting yourself thinking your better than them. A sense of not being vain about believing you matter when someone wants to tell you that you don't. Supporting yourself by reassuring yourself by being more aggressive than you usually are about not back down from something assertive you did.

Positively, dreaming about a sports bra may represents a newfound realization that being assertive isn't problematic. Feeling undeterred by the fear of being perceived as less than others, particularly when being assertive is an unfamiliar terrain for you. The fierce independence of a woman and her refusal to shy away from asserting her rights or defending her stance. Emotional resilience and readiness to assert independence.

Negatively, dreaming of a sports bra could symbolize the fear of being perceived as weak or vulnerable about backing down from assertive claims or behavior. A defensive stance or the need to shield oneself from potential emotional harm or scrutiny. A competitive attitude or a tendency to be overly serious or focused on outperforming others. Feelings about women being too competitive for your comfort level.

Example: A teenage girl dreamed of wearing a sports bra. In waking life, she had recently ended a relationship with her boyfriend and was constantly having to remind him to respect her decision and leave her alone. In this case, the sports bra may have symbolized her emotional fortification, signifying her readiness to assert her independence and protect her emotional well-being by believing that she doesn't need to her ex-boyfriend because she'll probably meet someone else soon. It reflected her refusal to provide further explanations for her decision to end the relationship and her willingness to pursue other dating opportunities competitively, all while trying to avoid emotional embarrassment of ever thinking of dating him again due to talking to him.

Example 2: A man dreamed of a vampire woman wearing a sports bra. In waking life, a woman he was dating broke up with him. He trained her to be a competitive weightlifter. He felt that she was a hateful, vindictive, and mean person. In this case, the vampire wearing a sports bra may have reflected his feelings about the ex-girlfriend using him for sports training while being aggressive about thinking she's better than him to the point of not wanting to date him.



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