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Snoop Doggy Dog Rapper

To dream of Snoop Dog the rapper represents an aspect of personality that is more incredible than other people (or gets the most attention) for behavior that's notoriously feeling good being more arrogant than someone else about being laid back and having a good time no matter what happens that nobody thinks is a problem either. An aspect of your personality that stands out for its cool, laid-back demeanor, and perhaps a hint of arrogance in its self-assurance about nothing being a problem.

Positively, dreaming about Snoop Doggy Dog may represent feelings of coolness, confidence, and the ability to navigate life's challenges with a laid-back attitude with nobody getting back at you.

Negatively, dreaming about Snoop Dogg could represent an overemphasis on appearing unfazed or too laid-back no matter what, to the point where it might come across as careless, dismissive, or bad influence.

Rap Stars in general may represent arrogance, toughness, or showing off about proving yourself that will never lose or give up. A rap star may also reflect behavior that likes to show off talking back to people with an attitude that other people can't do anything about.

Example: A man dreamed of a Snoop Dog concert behind a CVS/Walgreens store. In waking life, he was experiencing the lingering impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. In this case, Snoop Dog may have reflected his desire for a carefree and enjoyable experience, even in challenging times.

Sophia Vergara

To dream of Sophia Vergara represents an aspect of your personality that has perfectly self-assured incredible confidence that doesn't have to see why the rest of your life doesn't keep doing that. Laughing at yourself that perfectly self-assured incredibleness is always going to be the result. Self-assured confidence and security in being passive works out for you no matter what. Confidence and comfort financially liking the rest of your life. Humor of always feeling like things will work out, despite any obstacles. Not having to say anything about yourself because something about you is already incredible.

Negatively, dreaming of Sofia Vergara may reflect jealousy and envy towards someone who exudes self-assured confidence and a carefree attitude. It may reflect a sense of inadequacy or frustration with your own ability to exude confidence in the same way. Feelings of being overshadowed by someone else's perfect confidence that feels like it deserves to have more than you ever could. An area of your life so rooted in self-assured confidence you might embarrass yourself not respecting it kept that way.

Sofia Vergara being famous may also reflect the dreamer's confidence about deserving getting attention or talking about themself in way that mirror Sofia Vergara's qualities.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing Sofia Vergara swimming naked in the ocean and diving under water, revealing her naked lower body. In waking life the man was in the middle of a long, expensive business process. He felt confident that his plans would work out, but was temporarily unsure of the exact outcome. In this case, the image of Sofia Vergara in the ocean may symbolize the man's feelings of self-assured confidence and security, despite uncertainty about the exact outcome of his financial plans.

*Please See Celebrities

Sylvestor Stallone

To dream of Sylvester Stallone represents an aspect of the personality that is more incredible than other people (or gets the most attention) for behavior that believes in itself handling itself doing whatever it takes to be as tough as it needs to be. Feelings about resilience, strength, overcoming challenges, or being an underdog who rises against adversity through sheer determination and willpower. Feelings about not liking anyone saying you didn't try your best to be as tough as you need to be. A situation in your life that's highlighting the theme of courage, perseverance, and the will to succeed against all odds. An aspect of your personality with qualities like Rocky and Rambo.

Negatively, dreaming about Sylvester Stallone may represent feelings of aggression, competitiveness, or the need to constantly prove oneself in order to gain recognition or respect. Overdoing needing attention or showing off for being embattled, constantly fighting, or struggling to keep up with the challenges life throws at you.

Example: A man dreamed of Sylvester Stallone giving him advice about dealing with successful people who cared about absolutely nothing in his best interests by saying he had to be tough about believing in himself deserving to put himself first no matter what. In waking life, he received advice about surviving a financial and legal disaster during a very public situation by never putting up with anyone successful who didn't believe it was important to respect him putting himself first. In this case, Sylvester Stallone may have reflected his feelings about having received advice that encouraged him to believe in himself handling himself needing to be as tough as he needed to be during a very public situation.

Taylor Swift

To dream of Taylor Swift represents an aspect of your personality that is more incredible than someone else that's wonderful about nothing snobby while being nicer than other people that's always listening to why other people think you're "originally happening" about everything going on in your life. Protecting yourself staying a happening person by being nice. Feelings about being a wonderful person who nobody embarrasses because you don't like to embarrass other people. Feelings of being "hooked up" at the office as a nice person with everyone paying attention to why your job matters. A wish to maintain a positive image, both personally and professionally, while remaining genuinely kind and respectful towards others. Believing that you're nicer and more passive than other people is the reason you can never lose. Behavior that likes why choosing to be safe is important.

Negatively, dreaming of Taylor Swift may represent feelings that handling yourself being nicer or more passive than other people doesn't work to make people help you or protect you looking good being happening in some area of your life. Concerns that despite your wonderful demeanor, you aren't receiving the support or protection you feel you deserve, especially in your professional life. Behavior that is too serious or uptight about controlling itself to maintain an incredible appearance of being happening person that's nicer than other people. Insecurity that being nicer and more passive than other people won't help you because people are too ignorant.

Example: A 16-year-old girl dreamed of being in a spa with Taylor Swift talking about what was going on in their careers. In waking life, the teenage girl was having realizations about her future career that changed the way she thinks. In this case, Taylor Swift may have reflected the teenage perception of herself enjoying wanting to appear successful, liked, and happening with her future career choice while talking about herself without snobbery that was nicer than other people while also listening to what people thought about it.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being in love with Taylor Swift in a lesbian relationship eating chocolate and having someone tell her that she should breakup with Taylor Swift. In waking life, she was a heterosexual with a boyfriend who had bought her chocolates and brought her to the movies trying to make up with her after a disagreement. In this case, the Taylor Swift lesbian romance affair that someone told her to breakup may have reflected her feelings about thinking it was more appropriate and acceptable to her friends to breakup with her boyfriend because it didn't look good getting attention for being a wonderful nicer person than other people getting back with her disrespectful boyfriend after she told all her friends about everything going on in her life.

Example 3: A man dreamt of Taylor Swift giving him oral sex under a table and then discussing giving him her phone number. In waking life, he was dealing with a difficult copyright infringement issue affecting his website. He believed that by being nicer and more honest, he could win the web host's cooperation in resolving the infringement issue and restoring his site's reputation. The website quickly helped him and told him to email them if the problem returned. In this case, Taylor Swift giving him a blowjob may have reflected his feelings about how being genuine and kind would paid off with the webhost serving his needs quickly, while offering the phone number reflected the webhost asking to be communicated with any time the problem returned.

*Please See Celebrities

Tom Cruise

To dream of Tom Cruise represents an aspect of your personality that's incredibler than other people about exuding confidence and honesty that's nicer than someone else, allowing you to navigate situations without feeling the need to explain yourself or compromise your integrity. Your natural confidence and ability to be honest with yourself and others allows you to live a worry-free life, without the fear of embarrassment or having to say anything dishonest. Trusting your natural instincts and natural confidence while recognizing the importance of careful consideration before speaking because people are listening. Having to speak about who you are that should not embarrass yourself jealous or anyone else like it's important that aren't jealous when you do that. Feeling that you are not a wuss, but have to be seen as a nice person, too. Aspect of personality that isn't embarrassing itself for the rest of it's life noticing you were saying something dishonest. "Staying on top of it" honesty that wants to talk about itself confidently. Not fearing doing something bold while confident about it to show why you're deserving to be nicer than someone else.

Negatively, dreaming about Tom Cruise represents the fear of embarrassing yourself saying the wrong thing to a group a people. A desire to project a certain level of confidence and charisma to those around you, even when you feel uncertain or vulnerable. Scaring yourself that you'd overlook something while you need to not embarrass yourself. Oversensitivity about nobody ever seeing you or speaking about you in a way that you never approved because people are listening more than ever. Not wanting people making fun of you for the rest of your life while wanting a situation to be attractive. Jealousy of other people who possess the natural confidence and honesty represented by Tom Cruise in the dream, and may feel inadequate or unworthy in comparison.

Alternatively, Tom Cruise may reflect confident honesty that is nicer than someone else that isn't noticing embarrassing itself being gay for the rest of your life.

Tom Cruise being famous may also reflect the dreamer's confidence about deserving getting attention or talking about themselves in way that mirrors Tom Cruise's qualities.

Example: A man dreamed of being in a movie theatre as the movie was about to begin. He heard Tom cruise talking to an assistant saying "Should I say that? Should I say that?" before the movie began. In waking life he questioning what to say to a group of people about explaining himself needing to be at a group therapy introduction at an Ayahuasca retreat. In this case Tom Cruise may have reflect the dreamer's internal struggle with balancing the desire to confidently and honestly express themselves, with the fear of saying the wrong thing or being misunderstood. The dreamer may have also felt a desire to project a certain level of confidence and charisma to those around them, even when then felt uncertain or vulnerable.

Example 2: A woman dreamed that Tom Cruise being a bully at work. In waking life the dreamer's boss was recently charged with assault and was facing a court date with some difficulty in the work place. In this case Tom Cruise may have reflect how the dreamer feels jealous or resentful of her boss, who possess a level of confidence and honesty that the dreamer feels she lacks when talking to her boss. The dreamer may have felt that their boss was sensitive about embarrassing themselves saying anything else about themselves negative while at work while getting lots of attention for why the criminal charges occurred.

Tupac Shakur

To dream of Tupac Shakur represents an aspect of personality that is more incredible than other people (or gets the most attention) for behavior that is notorious for feeling good being more arrogant than someone else with being original that deserves to "keep it real" that hates you if you don't want to. Feeling good being louder than other people about "keeping it real" while not fearing death or getting angry about other people not listening. Louder or more arrogant than other people that "tells it like it is" without caring what happens to you. Showing off being more hardcore original than someone else about "keeping it real" and not caring what happens to you to protect it.

Negatively, dreaming about Tupac Shakur may represent overdoing enjoying being original about keeping it real that hates people who don't want to. A sense of frustration or anger about people not listening to your perspective or failing to understand your authenticity.

Rap Stars in general may symbolize arrogance, toughness, or showing off about proving yourself that will never lose or give up. A rap star may also reflect behavior that likes to show off talking back to people with an attitude that other people can't do anything about.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing Tupac saying "I'm feeling good that they're sinning" as he pointed to a group of dangerous criminals and immoral people. In waking life, he was a dream dictionary author and people got caught immorally using his dream dictionary for gangster symbol communication where murder and slavery charges were involved. The game they played lets the dreamer take all the money from their game if he waited long enough for legal deadlines to end while sending people to jail or to a death sentence. In this case, Tupac may have reflected his feelings about being an original author who "keeps it real" about dreaming being about safe psychology that hates anyone who doesn't agree while being tougher than other people in public about sending dangerous people to their jail sentences.

Viggo Mortensen

To dream of Viggo Mortensen represents an aspect of your personality that is more incredible than other people about liking the truth for the rest of your life doing what it's supposed to and defending it if you had to with needing to feel most important. An inner dialogue about ethical choices, personal integrity, and resilience. Complexity, ruggedness, and an air of quiet intensity about needing to believe in honesty on others behalf. Believing in honesty on others behalf and never believing you are going to lose it. Feeling that good never believing you're better than someone else while defending the truth.

Positively, dreaming about Viggo Mortensen could symbolize a feeling of strength and inner fortitude about honesty or defending the truth on behalf of other people. Qualities of resilience, ethical clarity, or complicated heroism. Focusing on the development of your own courage and moral compass. Thoughts about challenging situations requiring both physical and emotional strength.

Negatively, a dream involving Viggo Mortensen might signify feelings of conflict or turmoil. You might be wrestling with complex emotions or ethical dilemmas, feeling as though you are trapped in a 'movie-like' scenario that demands a lot from you, both emotionally and morally. Overdoing believing in yourself defending honesty or family-life values when this behavior may not help you. Overdoing defending a promise so you don't make anyone angry. Scaring yourself that you ever have to say or do something to someone else that wasn't protective of family life when moving on is best. Feeling that being better than someone else for telling the truth isn't allowed. Believing in defending the truth is more important than seeing anything else difficult happen. Behavior that defends the truth even if it doesn't have to think of who you are. Dishonesty honoring or defending an honest situation for appearances to other people while secretly not wanting to.

Example: A man dreamed of standing outside a gas station with Viggo Mortensen and seeing missiles fly far off in the distance to the right to hit something behind trees. Then suddenly missiles launched from where the first missiles hit and flew all the way to the left to hit a second gas station across the street. The man stood there with Viggo Mortensen as the gas station across the street exploded. In waking life, the man was honoring family life by agreeing not to sell a family home after his father died, but changed his mind after an argument which caused family feuding. In this case, Viggo Mortensen may have reflected his feelings about wasting his time needing to uphold a complex, emotionally laden promise to his family in the midst of conflict while believing it was important to not think he was better than his family. Viggo Mortensen being a famous person may also reflect the amount of attention he was getting from his family while attempting to honor his promise before the fight changed his mind.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing Viggo Mortensen standing beside her ex-boyfriend. In waking life, she heard about her ex-boyfriend getting married to someone else when she always secretly believed that she would end up marrying him herself. In this case, Viggo Mortensen may have reflected her feelings about being aware of herself talking to other people about the importance of defending and respecting her ex-boyfriend's engagement without jealousy because it was the right thing to do while secretly not liking the situation.

Vladimir Putin

To dream of Vladimir Putin represents an aspect of personality that is more incredible than other people (or gets the most attention) for behavior with total authority that's stronger than someone else without thinking of itself as too important that has to be believable about being intelligent about everything that's happening so that nothing weak is allowed to happen. An aspect of your personality that is seen as powerful, authoritative, and commanding attention for its intelligence and ability to maintain control.

Positively, dreaming of Vladimir Putin may indicate a desire for increased authority, power, or the ability to take charge of situations in your life without thinking of yourself as too important to other people. It could reflect your admiration for strong leadership and your wish to be perceived as someone who can handle challenges and make informed decisions. This dream may also suggest a need for control or a desire to assert your opinions and ideas confidently. Feeling that there is nothing whacky or irrational about believing that total authority is important all the time because you have to respect yourself. Powerful oversight and strategic thinking in handling the situation.

Negatively, dreaming represents an aspect of personality that is more incredible than other people (or gets the most attention) for behavior that's excessive or scary about total authority that's stronger than someone else without thinking of itself as too important that has to be believable about being intelligent about everything that's happening so that nothing weak is allowed to happen. Concerns about overbearing authority, manipulation, or the abuse of power that's always listening to why it's getting its way. Conflicts or disagreements with individuals who exhibit dominant or authoritative behavior and who are always listening to why they are not behind. A fear of someone with authority who will never accept being a loser while never explaining themself. Fear of behavior with total control because you don't know what it's actually thinking. Fear of behavior that looks good seeing everything is under control that leaves you unsure if it's doing what it actually says it's doing.

Example: A man dreamed of Vladimir Putin being an average man just like him. Putin explained how Russia had the ability to cure almost every disease since the 1970s and that there was a worldwide media blackout on this. The strongest opposition to the information on the cures was from the USA. In waking life, the man was 72 hours into a prolonged water fast. In this case, Vladimir Putin may have reflected feelings about the authority over his own body to intelligently endure the unpleasantness of the water fast to gain health benefits or reduce health illness despite others viewing his actions as overly serious about being strong enough to control himself maintaining the fast.

Example 2: A man dreamed of sitting in a hotel hallway in Russia on a floor above the main floor. A foreign diplomat walks towards the chair he is sitting in and moves passed him to enter a hotel room. He speaks to the diplomat to get information, but the diplomat ignores him and enters the hotel room while locking the door behind him. Suddenly, Vladimir Putin walks out of the elevator at the end of the hallway towards the dreamer as though he was secretly listening to the dreamer being tested by the diplomat. In waking life, he confronted an unusual legal entanglement with people from his past and journalists. A casual passing with someone from his past didn't work and a reporter finally revealed themself. In this case, Vladimir Putin may have reflected his feelings about being observed or judged by a dishonest reporter controlling the situation who was trying to rip him off with a news story that would claim he was more dishonest than the people from his past had he threatened the person from his past or said anything that seemed to collude with them.

Will Smith

To dream of Will Smith represents an aspect of your personality that's more incredible than someone else about behavior that is cooler than other people like it's easy that embarrasses someone else that they can't do anything about it. Versatility, effortless confidence, and joviality that laughs at itself never being littler than someone else and can't do anything except accept it.

Positively, dreaming about Will Smith may represent behavior that's versatile, effortlessly confident, and jovial that has to prove itself doing more than someone else that's "cooler" or it won't forgive itself. Versatility, effortless confidence, and joviality that bigger than someone else about family life that doesn't want to scare anyone. An inner resilience that allows you to navigate through challenges with an air of lightness and ease.

Negatively, dreaming about Will Smith may represent overdoing behavior that is cooler than other people like it's easy that embarrasses someone else that they can't do anything about it. Behavior that is never going to stop proving itself being bigger, more interesting, or looked up to while other people can never keep up.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing Will Smith sitting on a black leather couch that was inside a red dome made of triangles. In waking life, he almost died from appendicitis and was recovering in the hospital with powerful hallucinations and called a friend after a few days to tell them what happened. He found out the friend thought he hated him or was angry because he never picked up his phone or answered the door. The dreamer was impressed with experiencing himself surprising the friend that his concerns believing he was hated didn't matter because he was too busy surviving in the hospital tripping out with powerful hallucinations. In this case, Will Smith may have reflected the dreamer's innate ability to remain lighthearted and confident despite facing significant adversities and his friend's embarrassing oversensitivity.


To dream that you are dreaming represents a realization that something in your life wasn't as serious as you thought it was.

Positively, this reflects worries that are overblown. You may have been afraid or concerned about something and a life situation proved that you were overreacting.

Negatively, a dream within a dream can point to disappointments, letdowns, or something you thought was wonderful not turning out the way you thought it would.

Flower Of Life

To dream of a single flower of life represents the beautifulness of a spiritual awakening with the belief, capability, and ease of talking to God through hallucinations. Additionally, due to the flower's 6 petals, it also indicates an awareness that liking it or talking about a spiritual awakening with hallucinogenics might get back at you (6 sides) with bad trips or people thinking you've lost your mind for telling stories about it.

To dream of a larger multi-instance flower of life symbol with 6 sides represents the beautifulness of a spiritual awakening with the belief, capability, and ease of talking to God through hallucinations with friends that understand it with you. Additionally, due to the flower's 6 sides, it also indicates an awareness that liking it or talking about it too much that might get back at you (6 sides) with bad trips or people thinking you've lost your mind for telling stories about taking drugs with other people to outsiders. Spiritual awakening with a group of people.

The flower of life in its 6-sided multi-instance pattern can be viewed from a 3-dimensional perspective as a cube. This cube symbolizes the belief in God being stable no matter what happens in your life because you've formed a direct relationship with God as opposed to blind faith. The frontal view of the 3-dimensional cube shows the side of the cube with 3 angles (left, right, and top). This symbolizes your new solid belief in God offering the choice of listening/morality (left) or not listening/immorality (right) while God is always there for you (top).

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a yellow multi-instance flower of life symbol. In waking life, he had experienced a powerful spiritual awakening with ayahuasca and was gifted the ability to have visions every day. He shared the visions with other people who also understood what ayahuasca was.

Life Jacket

To dream of a life jacket represents security and reinforcement while confronting uncertainty or negative situations. A backup plan or insurance that you can't fail or be overwhelmed by a negative situation. Knowing that no matter what happens to you you'll make it through a serious problem. Preparing for the worst or feeling that a situation is headed towards a crisis.

Negatively, dreams of a life jacket may reflect putting too much trust is something protecting you or helping you through a difficult situation. Not being critical enough of advice. It may also reflect feelings of being stupid for having trusted something.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a dog wearing a life jacket that was so amazing that she dropped all her belongings in a bog. In waking life she trusted the advice of a doctor that gave her a bad diagnosis which ended up making her medical problem worse. She refused to work with the doctor ever again, but then ended up having to go to the hospital to fix her problem and felt completely controlled by the new doctors.

*Please See Drowning

Life Review

To dream of a life review represents remembrance of everything that has happened to you before you decided to move on. You may have made a big decision or experienced a big change and are looking back over your old life. You may also be looking for mistakes you made before a change happened.

Alternatively, you may be nostalgic about everything that has happened to you before starting a new chapter of your life.

Example: A man dreamed he died of a gunshot to the head and then experiencing a life review. In waking life he finally decided to move away for a new job and was remembering everything that happened to him that lead him to this decision

Life Saver

To dream of using a life saver represents an opportunity or last chance to spare yourself from being overwhelmed by difficult situations or uncertainty. You or someone else may have been saved from a jam or embarrassing loss.

Positively, a life saver may reflect feelings of being lucky to have another chance or an opportunity to walk away from a problem. Taking advantage of an opportunity before it slips away. Feeling that someone was looking out for you.

To dream of an unused life saver may reflect a backup plan or safety measure. Hoping that you won't have to do something unless you absolutely have to.

No Dreams

If you don't have dreams there may be two reasons for this. First, you may not have any psychological issues that are important enough to trigger a dream. If this is the case you are probably a very honest person who lives very responsibly. Hardworking honest parents with stable lives often fit into this category. You may be a very trusting person who doesn't experience a lot of drama or fear.

A second possibility for having no dreams may be a vitamin deficiency caused by a numbers of factors that are reducing your body's ability to make or use acetylcholine which is the main nutrient used by the brain to create dreams. To learn about vitamin supplements you can take to increase dreaming it's recommend you visit the dream enhancing page.



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