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To dream of triplets represents unpredictable situations in your life that require responsibility. Having to be careful or concerned all the time about a new situation, challenging event, or creative process.

Negatively, triplets may reflect a chaotic or unpredictable situation that you are worried will get out of hand.

Alternatively, triplets may reflect 3 competing life situations that are weighing heavily on your mind.

*Please See Children

*Please See Son

*Please See Daughter

Tupac Shakur

To dream of Tupac Shakur represents an aspect of personality that is more incredible than other people (or gets the most attention) for behavior that is notorious for feeling good being more arrogant than someone else with being original that deserves to "keep it real" that hates you if you don't want to. Feeling good being louder than other people about "keeping it real" while not fearing death or getting angry about other people not listening. Louder or more arrogant than other people that "tells it like it is" without caring what happens to you. Showing off being more hardcore original than someone else about "keeping it real" and not caring what happens to you to protect it.

Negatively, dreaming about Tupac Shakur may represent overdoing enjoying being original about keeping it real that hates people who don't want to. A sense of frustration or anger about people not listening to your perspective or failing to understand your authenticity.

Rap Stars in general may symbolize arrogance, toughness, or showing off about proving yourself that will never lose or give up. A rap star may also reflect behavior that likes to show off talking back to people with an attitude that other people can't do anything about.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing Tupac saying "I'm feeling good that they're sinning" as he pointed to a group of dangerous criminals and immoral people. In waking life, he was a dream dictionary author and people got caught immorally using his dream dictionary for gangster symbol communication where murder and slavery charges were involved. The game they played lets the dreamer take all the money from their game if he waited long enough for legal deadlines to end while sending people to jail or to a death sentence. In this case, Tupac may have reflected his feelings about being an original author who "keeps it real" about dreaming being about safe psychology that hates anyone who doesn't agree while being tougher than other people in public about sending dangerous people to their jail sentences.


To dream of a tutor represents feelings needing more practice or needing to dedicate your time to improving yourself. Feeling pressured into having to improve yourself. Feelings about improvements you have made in life with extra practice.

Negatively, a tutor may reflect embarrassment or fear you are not as good at something as you thought you were. Frustrations or fear of losing free time. A frustration or fear of being behind at something and disappointing someone else. Anxiety or frustration at not meeting certain standards that are expected of you.

Alternatively, tutors in dreams may reflect your feelings about disliking failing at school or needing to study more.

Example: A young man dreamed of an old tutor from school giving him money. In waking life he was experiencing a lot of extra practice with one of his skills paying off in life.


To dream of twins represents conflict, ambivalence, dualities or opposites. It may also reflect conflict between ideas or decisions. Feelings about similarities to others that are obvious and don't require discussing. Problems with remaining monogamous or loyal to one person.

Positively, twins in a dream may reflect heightened feelings of cooperation or harmony. Working or getting along with someone very well. A person in your life that you do everything the same with. Perfect equality that is obvious and requires no discussion.

To dream of fraternal twins may reflect feelings about similarities to others that are not obvious and require discussing. Negatively, fraternal twins may reflect a need to lie about perfect equality in a relationship so nobody gets their feelings hurt. A need to openly discuss how someone else is "just as good as you" when you don't really believe it.

Feeling that partnership or happy relationship looks fake. Feeling annoyed at having to discuss similarities that are not obvious.

Alternatively, dreaming of fraternal twins may reflect problems with making a choice between two similar, yet different feeling options (e.g. money or love, smart or funny, caring or protective).

Example: A woman dreamed of giving birth to twins. In waking life she started dating, but still had strong feelings for her ex.


To dream of an uncle represents a substitute form of conscience. Your ability to choose between right and wrong or make an important decision that is influenced in some manner. An uncle is a sign that you aren't making the right choices for the right reasons.

Positively, an uncle may reflect important decisions that are driven by positive intentions or a heightened need to do what's right.

Negatively, an uncle may reflect poor decision making or negative influences over your choices. It may also reflect excessiveness in your choices.

Alternatively, an uncle represents a quality in yourself based on your most honest feelings about them. Ask yourself what memories or feelings stand out the most about them and see how that quality may apply to your own life.

Example: A young man dreamed of seeing his Uncle being evil and laughing at him. His most honest feeling about this Uncle was that he ate too much. In waking life he was regretting a decision he made and went too far with.


To dream of an undertaker represents a concern with being perfect in how you end a situation or relationship. Planning or considering all aspects of a situation that you believe will end soon. Wanting to "bury" a relationship, problem, or situation with no problems at all.

Negatively, an undertaker may be a sign that you are dangerously accepting of a potential failure as inevitable. A fear of an inevitable failure or unpleasant change. Alternatively, it may be a sign that you are allowing your competition to totally humiliate you with your impending failure. Being too passive about potential losses.

Example: A woman dreamed of dead people sitting upright in an undertaker's office. In waking life she was aware of a strange developing illness and choosing to do nothing about it. Instead she was considering planning for her own death. In the end she was found in a coma and properly diagnosed.

US Marines

To dream of the US Marines may represent feelings of being disciplined, dedicated, or regimented in your approach to an uncertain situation. It may also symbolize a need to be courageous, strong, and committed to your goals or ideals when uncertainty is all that is left. Expertise or experience in controlling yourself when dealing with overwhelming uncertain situations.

Alternatively, the US Marines may represent feelings of aggression, violence, or the need to assert your dominance or authority over others when completely overwhelmed by uncertainty. It may also symbolize a desire to protect or defend yourself or someone else when overwhelmed by uncertainty.

Negatively, US Marines may represents overdoing being disciplined, dedicated, or regimented in an approach to an uncertain situation. Being too tough when nobody knows what will happen next.

The presence of the US Marines in a dream may also be influenced by current events or personal experiences related to military service or conflict.

Example: A young woman dreamed of US Marines while also experiencing a Tsunami. In waking life she claimed that she used to dream a lot about Tsunamis, but not as much now. In this case the Marines may have reflected her feelings about herself being experienced with uncertain situations enough to control them or survive them after having a lot of experience in the past. She is tougher now about putting up with overwhelming uncertain situations.

Example 2: A man dreamed of US Marine woman riding on his back as though the dreamer was a horse. In waking life the man claimed that he had a "marine like" supervisor at work that was giving him a hard time. In this case the US Marine may have reflected the man's feelings about his supervisor being very disciplined, strict and authoritative in his approach towards the dreamer when dealing with uncertain work situations, just like the image of a US Marine. The image of the US Marine woman riding on his back may represent the feeling of being weighed down or burdened by the supervisor's authority and discipline.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of a US Marine that she knew being attacked by worms, maggots, and cockroaches in a hallway. In waking life, she was feeling hesitant about going to work and ultimately decided not to go. In this case, the US Marines may have reflected her perception of someone at work with experience and training who was unable to handle an overwhelming and chaotic work environment.


To see a vampire in your dream symbolizes an aspect of your personality that is parasitic or selfishly feeds off others. A person or situation that drains you of time, energy, or resources. Either your own selfish need to use others or your projection of other people that are feeding off of you. It could represent either material or emotional parasitism. Feeling drained emotionally by someone. A bad influence. Feeling that you can't completely trust someone. People that want to use you for sex.

Alternatively, a vampire may reflect feelings about people that you believe want to pull you down to their level or convert you to thinking negatively in way similar to them.

To dream of being a vampire represents a selfish need to use or feed off others. You may be dependent on someone else to achieve goals.

To dream of being bitten by a vampire represents feelings about other people using you or feeding off of you and being unable to stop it. If you dream of being bitten by a vampire and turning into a vampire yourself it may reflect feelings about yourself changing your honest mindset towards using other people because you were used. A bad experience with a jerk that has converted you into wanting to be a jerk.

Vampires in a dream may be a sign of dependence, problems with addiction, social pressure, or ambivalence. You or someone else may be feeding off someone emotionally. Vampires can also reflect an illness that is draining your time and energy.

A vampire in a dream might be telling you that you need to start being more independent, and relying less on others resources or accomplishments. You need to start caring about people, valuing them, or respecting them. Alternatively, a vampire may reflect a need to stand up to people who are using you. You may need to cut someone off.

To dream of killing vampires represents overcoming dependence on others. It may also mean that you are confronting people or situations that are feeding off you materially or emotionally.

Example: One person dreamed of being a vampire. In real life they were using a friend to get ahead in school.

Example 2: A few people have dreams of vampires biting them after they catch a cold.

Example 3: A woman once dreamed of a vampire following her around wherever she went. In real life she was becoming very bored with her husband and felt that he was draining her of any fun or excitement. The vampire reflected her inability to escape her husband's boring habits.

Example 4: A 7 year-old girl dreamed of seeing her mother turn into a vampire. In waking life she felt that her mother was inappropriately using her as a confidante to discuss her complaints about people she didn't like. She felt she was being pulled down by her mother's negative attitude.

Example 5: A woman dreamed seeing people turn into vampires. In waking life she accidentally met up with old friends that she didn't trust because she felt that they were responsible for bad things that were happening to her.

Example 6: A woman dreamed of seeing a vampire having sex with people. In waking life he really liked a guy that was ignoring her and she felt that the only way to interest him in talking to her was to offer him sex.

*Please See Blood


To dream of a vegetarian represents feelings about yourself or someone else that is completely focused on being responsible, honest, or hard work. An aspect of your personality that is focused on not having fun as a priority to deal with problems. Feelings about yourself or others being excessive with responsible behavior. Obsession with responsibility without fun. Frustration with someone in your life that wants to avoid all fun to focus completely on responsible behavior.


To dream of a veterinarian represents a concern for losing something special to you. You may also not want to give up something that feels good and are trying to keep it all costs.


To dream of being a victim represents feelings of helplessness, vulnerability, and fear. Feeling that you have been rendered helpless. A sign that you might not be believing in yourself enough to confront a problem. You may benefit from standing up for yourself or speaking up for yourself. Accepting abuse, bullying, or losing without a challenge.

Viggo Mortensen

To dream of Viggo Mortensen represents an aspect of your personality that is more incredible than other people about liking the truth for the rest of your life doing what it's supposed to and defending it if you had to with needing to feel most important. An inner dialogue about ethical choices, personal integrity, and resilience. Complexity, ruggedness, and an air of quiet intensity about needing to believe in honesty on others behalf. Believing in honesty on others behalf and never believing you are going to lose it. Feeling that good never believing you're better than someone else while defending the truth.

Positively, dreaming about Viggo Mortensen could symbolize a feeling of strength and inner fortitude about honesty or defending the truth on behalf of other people. Qualities of resilience, ethical clarity, or complicated heroism. Focusing on the development of your own courage and moral compass. Thoughts about challenging situations requiring both physical and emotional strength.

Negatively, a dream involving Viggo Mortensen might signify feelings of conflict or turmoil. You might be wrestling with complex emotions or ethical dilemmas, feeling as though you are trapped in a 'movie-like' scenario that demands a lot from you, both emotionally and morally. Overdoing believing in yourself defending honesty or family-life values when this behavior may not help you. Overdoing defending a promise so you don't make anyone angry. Scaring yourself that you ever have to say or do something to someone else that wasn't protective of family life when moving on is best. Feeling that being better than someone else for telling the truth isn't allowed. Believing in defending the truth is more important than seeing anything else difficult happen. Behavior that defends the truth even if it doesn't have to think of who you are. Dishonesty honoring or defending an honest situation for appearances to other people while secretly not wanting to.

Example: A man dreamed of standing outside a gas station with Viggo Mortensen and seeing missiles fly far off in the distance to the right to hit something behind trees. Then suddenly missiles launched from where the first missiles hit and flew all the way to the left to hit a second gas station across the street. The man stood there with Viggo Mortensen as the gas station across the street exploded. In waking life, the man was honoring family life by agreeing not to sell a family home after his father died, but changed his mind after an argument which caused family feuding. In this case, Viggo Mortensen may have reflected his feelings about wasting his time needing to uphold a complex, emotionally laden promise to his family in the midst of conflict while believing it was important to not think he was better than his family. Viggo Mortensen being a famous person may also reflect the amount of attention he was getting from his family while attempting to honor his promise before the fight changed his mind.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing Viggo Mortensen standing beside her ex-boyfriend. In waking life, she heard about her ex-boyfriend getting married to someone else when she always secretly believed that she would end up marrying him herself. In this case, Viggo Mortensen may have reflected her feelings about being aware of herself talking to other people about the importance of defending and respecting her ex-boyfriend's engagement without jealousy because it was the right thing to do while secretly not liking the situation.


To dream of a Viking represents a person or situation in your life that terrifies you that you are powerless to stop it. Decisions being made against your will. Violated free will. A Viking may also reflect feelings of powerlessness to stop someone from doing whatever they want.

Alternatively, a Viking may reflect your own decision to force others to do things against their will. Scaring other people by seizing control or completely ignoring their feelings.

To dream of a Viking represents an aspect of your personality that doesn't care what is does to anyone else. Fearless overt dishonesty to weaker people. Taking advantage of innocent people without remorse because you can easily get away with it. Feeling that because you have nothing left to lose that you don't care what you do to other people. Taking big risks to seize what you want from others. Plundering or taking from others because it's easy. Fear of someone overpowering you with their dishonesty. Random acts of stealing. Feelings about yourself or someone else being an experienced criminal who people fear taking from them. A reputation for being a scary overt thief. A Viking may also reflect your own decision to force weaker people or innocent people to do things against their will. Feeling that because you are bigger than it gives you the right to seize or take whatever you want whenever you want through brute force.

A Viking may also reflect feelings of powerlessness to stop someone from doing whatever they want to you. Bullies, older siblings, or jealous people that are fearless to take whatever they want from you whenever they want. Feelings about mean parents that regularly seize property from you. Feeling that other people are just small losers while you're a big winner who deserves to take from them.

Viking dreams are very common with water dreams which indicates that the dreamer is experiencing some kind of uncertain or negative situation which is encouraging a need to disregard others feelings. It may also reflect the dreamers awareness of someone fearlessly dishonest being pushed to steal.


To dream of a villain represents feelings about some area of your life or personality that need reform. Rebellious behavior. A need for revenge or break the rules. Feelings about yourself or someone else that undermines others plans. Feelings about struggles with addiction or bad habits.


To dream of volunteering represents feelings about selflessly offering your time, skills, or resources to help others or contribute to a cause. Doing something for free with no clear expectation of being paid. A desire to make a difference, to be part of something larger than yourself, or to connect with others in a meaningful way. Your thoughts about altruism, community service, and social responsibility.

Positively, dreaming about volunteering might symbolize a sense of fulfillment, purpose, or satisfaction derived from helping others or making a positive impact. A willingness to take action, show empathy, or share your resources. Your desire to develop new skills, meet new people, or gain new experiences through service.

Negatively, dreaming about volunteering could represent feelings of being taken advantage of, undervalued, or overburdened. It might symbolize the pressure to give more than you can afford - emotionally, physically, or materially. Perhaps you feel obligated to contribute in ways that are draining or distracting you from your own needs or goals.

Example: A woman dreamed of being a volunteer. In waking life, she was a stay-at-home mother that recently began to get more involved with her church. In this case, being a volunteer may have reflected her feelings about dedicating her time and energy to her church community.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being a volunteer for a project her mom was leading. In waking life, her mother was in poor health and she suspected she was close to dying. In this case, the volunteering may have reflected her feelings of willingly stepping up to provide care and support for her ailing mother. The dream could symbolize her sense of responsibility, selflessness, and dedication in this challenging time, putting aside her own needs to ensure her mother's well-being.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of being in the hospital to help a young man who had been injured by a bomb while serving in the military. When asked if she was the mother, she replied "No, I am just a volunteer surrogate parent. In waking life, she was having anxiety about her son dying in the army after finding out that her son has enlisted himself in the army. In this case, the reference to being a volunteer surrogate parent may have reflected her feelings about her son's recent army enlistment making her feel like a mother who birthed children to serve and die in the army as though her son didn't belong to her.



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