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To see your mother-in-law represents your intuition or coincidences that are compromising. Experiencing a situation that is not your first choice. Alternative outcomes or luck that is only partially achieving your true wishes. Feeling that you have to give something up to get what you want.

You may also feel that giving up your own interests or sacrificing what you want is more beneficial for the long term. Feeling lucky that your loses aren't as bad as you thought they would be. Feeling lucky to to have any kind of success at all.

Negatively, dreaming about your mother-in-law may represent disappointment or frustration. Feeling unlucky about life seeming to purposely prevent you from achieving a goal perfectly. Putting up with compromises or disappointments that are excessive.

To dream of having sex or making love to your mother-in-law represents your enjoyment of a situation that was not your first choice. It may also reflect enjoyment of alternative choices or good luck that forces you forgo your original choices. Feeling really lucky about something you didn't expect.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing her mother-in-law. In waking life she was pregnant and began to realize that something was wrong. She eventually had a miscarriage. She ended up having 4 miscarriages before finally having a full healthy pregnancy.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of her mother-in-law. In waking life she had to make compromises with her husband as they were arguing a lot and close to considering a divorce. She had to make changes in herself and how she lived with her husband in order to save the marriage.

*Please See In-Laws

Muhammad The Prophet

To dream of Muhammad the prophet represents an aspect of yourself that is all-powerful or unquestionable. It reflects your feelings of infallibility, total control, or absolute authority.

Muhammad in a dream may be a sign that you are experiencing a situation where you wish to appear infallible or are believing in something without question.

To dream of Muhammad not appearing or leaving you may represent doubt, an inability to lead others, or having power questioned.

Alternatively, Muhammad may also represent a person or situation that is so powerful or important that you respect it without question.


To dream of a mummy in a tomb represents an aspect of yourself that is remembered for its accomplishments, achievements, or who you are as though it never goes away. Feeling professionally or carefully preserved as a person in certain way.

Negatively, dreaming about a mummy may reflect feelings about yourself or someone else that did something respectable once and never gets to forget it as the only thing you did. Feelings about a situation or person being too serious about staying exactly the way they are to the point that it scares you. Feeling professionally or carefully preserved as a person in a way that isn't working or that's lost. Feeling unintelligent for needing to explain to others why it's important to permanently respect yourself or a situation that isn't working anymore. A situation so awful it professionally stays respected or honored as failed. Feeling good that your life or winning is overwith in some way so you respect yourself staying the way you are for the rest of your life. Preserved losing or outdated methods.

To dream of a mummy chasing you or touching represents fear or anxiety about being carefully preserved in a way you don't like. Terrifying yourself that you'll be remembered for never having done anything different. Feeling useless or impotent to change. Feeling that you are never going to accomplish anything different, become recognized for something else, or make your mark on the world with something innovative. You may be experiencing a midlife crisis. Avoiding feeling carefully or professionally preserved.

Example: C.G. Jung once dreamed of mummies coming after him. In waking life he was going through a midlife crisis. In this case the mummies chasing him may have reflected his feelings about running away or avoiding feeling "professionally preserved as a person" not doing anything else in life with his midlife crisis.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of observing herself being mummified and thinking that she would die before the mummification ended. In waking life she was stuck in a contract not able to get a new contract. The mummification may have reflected her feelings about looking weak or unprofessional being too professionally respectful to a current contract that was outdated.

*Please See Tomb


To dream of committing murder represents your motivation to make absolutely sure you never think a certain way ever again. Making sure change occurs no matter the costs, how ugly a situation gets, or how dangerous it feels. Putting an end to a habit, thinking pattern, or situation for good. An intentional ending to a relationship. Showing the courage to stand up to something difficult. Bravely overcoming a powerful fear. Getting revenge on someone, feeling hatred, resisting problems that you feel are unacceptable. Guilty feelings or awareness of yourself having destroyed something or ruined someone's life.

Murder in a dream can also represent resentment you have or that you feel towards you from others. Friends that are jealous or people that like watching you lose.

Negatively, murdering someone in a dream may reflect situations where you are experiencing intense jealousy. Killing off someone else's happiness, success, or power. Feelings about family members you don't like seeming to purposely enjoy making you unhappy.

People who are giving up addictions or bad habits commonly dream of murder.

To dream that you are murdered represents powerful negative feelings about failure or unpleasant change you couldn't stop. Fearing scary consequences. Experiencing failure or feeling that someone likes to see you fail. Feeling that a person has purposely ruined you or tried to stop you from winning. Feeling that someone has intentionally tried to embarrass you or destroy your reputation for good. Being murdered may also reflect a problem that you may be having trouble getting over. Feeling that your addictions or cravings are too hard to resist. Fearing that someone will react badly. Feeling that someone has destroyed some area of your life. Alternatively, being murdered by represent a problem situation that cut you off or overpowered you in some way.

Dreaming about being murdered is common for people experiencing depression.

To dream of attempted murder represents you or someone else that has tried to permanently cancel or fail something. It may also reflect a failed attempt to embarrass someone. Alternatively, it may reflect feelings that someone is out to get you, but doesn't have the power or resources to carry it out. You or someone else that has risked everything to eliminate something and failed at it.

To dream of murdering an entire family represents feelings about an entire area of your life being completely failed. Feeling that someone has intentionally tried to ensure that you never do something ever again. Feeling that someone has intentionally tried to make sure you don't enjoy something ever again. Feeling that you are intentionally left abandoned or alone. Feeling that enemies have cut off all your assistance or alternative options. Feeling that you never get to do something ever again no matter what. Feeling that there is nothing left to protect you or support you.

Woman who fear their abusive their abusive ex-boyfriends or ex-husbands often dream of being murdered or seeing people murdered.

Example: A young man dreamed of confidently murdering a terrible person he knew in elementary school who used to pick on him and call him a "faggot" everyday. In waking life the young man lost his virginity after being very insecure about girls.

Example 2: A woman had recurring nightmares of being murdered. In waking life she feared being severely beaten by her abusive husband.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of murdering someone. In waking life she had broke up with her boyfriend after having carefully planned it. She felt that she had to be coldhearted about the breakup to make it work.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of a murderer killing lots of people. In waking life a number of her friends had coincidentally died at the same time. The murder may have reflected her feelings about god choosing to make all her friends die.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of seeing people being murdered. In waking life she feared her abusive ex-husband showing up at her house to kill her and her new husband. This ex-husband had previously made threats to kill her.

Example 6: A former friend of O.J. Simpson confessed to the jury during his trial that Simpson had confided in him that he had dreamed of killing Nicole Simpson. In this case the dream could have reflected his guilt for the murder or his fear of facing the reality of the consequences of his actions. Alternatively, if he was not guilty the dream could have reflected his preoccupation with believing that divorcing Nicole and not being a better husband made him responsible for her death because her life would have been different allowing her to avoid being murdered.

Example 7: A woman dreamed of people from a small town trying to kill her by making her eat a cracker. In waking life she was very concerned about staying off her diet for too long not being good for her. The threat of being killed in this case may have reflected her worries about staying off her diet in small ways making her permanently stop her diet. The potential for death might have represented the potential to permanently feel like a loser who gave up being someone who wants to diet.


*Please See Killer

Muslim Extremist

*Please See Islamic Fundamentalist


To dream of being naked represents feelings of being vulnerable or exposed. An aspect your life is totally out in the open or revealed. An unexpected change may be making you feel like your private life is suddenly on display to others. Feeling put on the spot in a way you aren't used to. Feeling that you have no protection. Feeling awkward. A lack of privacy.

Negatively, dreaming of being naked may reflect your dishonesty that is impossible to hide anymore. Feeling embarrassed that you got caught lying. Personal information or private matters may be out in the open. Feeling vulnerable or susceptible to influence. Feeling exposed, humiliated, or powerless because a weakness has been revealed. Feeling shame, inept, or inadequate. Feeling vulnerable to others judgement.

Positively, being naked in a dream may represent feelings of being totally confident. Not caring what other people think about you at all. Enjoying having the truth exposed. Feeling that you have nothing to hide. If you enjoy being naked it may reflect a situation in which you feel free to all restraints. Nothing is holding you back. Feeling unencumbered. Openness and sincerity.

To dream of other people being naked may represent "seeing the naked truth of a situation." All weaknesses are out in the open.

To dream of being naked at school represents waking life situations where you may be experiencing anxiety about problems that you can't do anything to hide. Facing something serious that you can't keep private.

To dream of being naked at work represents feelings about having to be honest all the time. Being unable to disguise or cover up your mistakes. Situations where cheating is impossible or spotted immediately. It may also reflect feelings about honesty being important to prove all the time.

To dream of being naked at the beach may represent feelings about being unable to hide your true intentions or to act dishonest while confronting a negative situation. Facing uncertainty in your life while being unable to lie or hide anything. The beach reflects a confrontational moment in your life while the nakedness points to feelings about your true self being on display to others.

To dream of hiding your naked body represents a fear of having the truth revealed or exposed. Embarrassment of being caught lying. There is something about yourself that you don't want scrutinized. Wishing to conceal a weakness.

To see beautiful sexually attractive people naked may represent desirable experiences that you want to have. It may also reflect your sexual desires or fantasies. Experiencing situations that you really like.

Being naked and ready for sex represents your readiness to enjoy yourself doing something you like. Negatively, it may be a sign that you are too eager or allowing the prospect of pleasure to cloud your judgement.

To dream of being naked while people laugh at you represents feelings of embarrassment about some area of your life that is out in the open. Humiliation due to lies or impotence being revealed. If you don't care about the laughter it reflects a high degree of comfort with yourself despite what other people think of you. Feeling no jealousy or not allowing revelations to bother you. Being uninhibited.

Example: A girl had recurring nightmares about walking around a street naked wearing only gloves. In waking life he was in a strict religious convent school requiring a uniform to be worn. She was always losing her gloves. The dream may have reflected her fears about being discovered having lost her gloves and being revealed as inadequate person in a place she found to be too strict.

Example 2: A woman had recurring dreams of being naked. In waking life she was having problems getting pregnant and was concerned that other people were thinking about her as infertile loser.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing naked people. In waking life he was embarrassed at having to reveal to friends that he would have to move back to his home country due to economic reasons.

*Please See Flasher


To dream of a nanny represents feelings about your own caretaking instincts, sense of responsibility, and support of others. Feelings about yourself or others having to take care of other people all the time like it's a job that never has to stop. Feelings about not being laughed at for why taking care of other people is what you do all the time.

Negatively, dreaming about a nanny may represents feeling like others expect you to take care of them all the time and not appreciating your efforts. Feeling burdened by the responsibility of taking care of others and not having enough time for yourself. Feeling like taking care of others is a thankless job and that nobody notices or acknowledges your hard work. Feeling like your own needs and desires are always put on hold in order to take care of others. Feeling like your caretaking efforts are not good enough and that you are failing to meet the needs of those you are responsible for.

To dream of a nanny going on vacation represents your own caretaking instincts and sense of responsibility that she had temporarily put on hold. The need for balancing personal time with her duties and responsibilities. Time off for someone who takes care of you. A temporary release from caretaking responsibilities, a desire for personal time or a break from routine caretaking duties. Alternatively, it may reflect the dreamer's perception of temporarily losing the support and guidance in their life or feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities that someone usually helps with.

Example: A young woman dreamed of a nanny walking up to her to talk to her about her long vacation. In waking life she had taken 2 weeks off to find a new job while her 2 friends hadn't had their child yet which she planned to help them look after. In this case the nanny returning from vacation may have reflected her feelings of obligation to take care of her friends' child and return to her caretaking role after taking time off for her own personal needs. The dream may suggest a sense of duty towards others and a need to balance her own needs with her responsibilities to others.

*Please See Grandmother

Napoleon Bonaparte

To dream of Napoleon Bonaparte represents dictating controlling behavior that respects itself with the integrity of never having to explain who it is in order to deserve to go all the way without a reason to stop. Controlling behavior that has integrity for who it is while being assertive, ambitious, with no belief that stopping should ever happen. Bossy control that demands to be admired for who it is never being wrong.

Negatively, dreaming about Napoleon Bonaparte represents feelings about behavior with the integrity of who it is being the boss being overbearing, overly ambitious, or power-hungry. Feelings about power gained through a heightened sense of never having to explain who you are that allows you to deserve to never stop being ambitious about getting your way, while experiencing going far with your goals as the reason your power will turn against you. The power and integrity of knowing you are always right that will eventually make people sick of you. Controlling power of being better than other people at being right all the time that will eventually turn people against you because being a person is important. An inflated sense of self, where one feels entitled to continuously push boundaries without explanation or accountability.

Example: While attending Radcliffe College, Helen Keller dreamed of being Napoleon Bonaparte riding a horse in a battle. The dream may have been a reflection of her feelings about her disabilities causing her to be aggressive about being supported while learning so that she could perform well in school with integrity. It may also have reflected her sense of entitlement due to how impressive she appeared to other people for who she was as a person who overcame her disabilities when most people would have given up in life. She may have felt she deserved special assistance with heightened sensitivity about preventing anyone from stopping her from being involved due to her disabilities.

Example 2: A teenage girl dreamed of being at a wedding getting married. She had to wear a red blanket that felt like she was in the painting where Napolean's wife was crowned. In waking life, she was about to turn 18 years old and thought a lot about it. In this case, the feeling of being Napolean Bonaparte's wife may have reflected her feelings about the personal milestone of turning 18 giving her a sense of importance and control for who she was as a newly transitioned woman eligible for marriage that may make people she knew start asking her about it. The symbolism of Napolean Bonaparte may also reflect the realization that once she got married, the power of who she was being an eligible single woman would be lost to the same people.

Example 3: A young man dreamed of needing to fly to Africa to ask for the help of the Great Ape spirit. The spirit gave him special powder, but instructed him to only take it after Napoleon Bonaparte agreed to the spirit's terms. In waking life, he was struggling with peer pressure to do drugs when it conflicted with his spiritual beliefs. He was becoming open to doing drugs with his friends. In this case, Napoleon Bonaparte may have reflected his feelings about an overbearing friend who would stop at nothing to get him to give up his religious conservatism and do drugs with the awareness of his personal limits with doing drugs that would make him turn on his friend if the drug usage got too high.


To dream of a Nazi represents an aspect of yourself that is merciless and can't be reasoned with. You or someone else that stops at nothing to achieve it's goals.

Alternatively, a Nazi may reflect your or someone else that is too concerned with rules.

*Please See Hitler

*Please See Holocaust

*Please See Nazis

*Please See Concentrations Camps

*Please See Swastika


To dream of a neighbor you actually have represents an aspect of your personality based on your more honest feelings or memories of that person. Ask yourself what one thing stands out the most about that person and try to see how that quality may apply to yourself or to a situation you are experiencing. Aspects of your personality that for good or bad are "living beside you" in waking life.

Additionally, consider the number of the apartment or home the neighbor lives in. The style or size of home may also have meaning.

To dream of a neighbor that you don't recognize in waking life represents something new in your life that you are always noticing or putting up with. Positively, a neighbor may reflect feelings of simply asking for help being easy. Negatively, it may reflect a problem that is always around or that you are persistently putting up with.

Alternatively, dreaming about a neighbor may reflect waking life issues with that neighbor.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing his male neighbor wearing a dress in a hallway outside a doorway. In waking life he was waiting for something important to happen while putting up with persistent uncertainty about how dangerous the situation actually was. In waking life he had uncertain feelings about his neighbor possibly getting angry at him.


*Please See Family Members


To dream of a nerd represents you or someone else that is perceived to be ineffective at everything except one thing. A sign that you need to open up your horizons or try new things to make yourself more interesting to others.

Negatively, a nerd may be a sign that you feel used for your talents or that you are too serious about something to point where it affects other areas of your life. Problems fitting in.


To dream of a neurosurgeon represents feelings about serious changes being made that will change how you or someone else thinks for the rest of their life. Feeling that proposed changes you are working on are extremely important for other people to have. Feeling that a project you are working on will be influential in a serious way and requires your serious attention to be perfect. Feeling that it's your serious responsibility to perfect something so others will appear more intelligent because of it.

Negatively, a neurosurgeon may reflect a naive or arrogant belief that your serious efforts to help improve something is important at all. Feeling that if you make one mistake on something that other people will become complete failures or live in mediocrity. Naively or arrogantly believing that your expertise is required to change how people think. Anxiety about making a single mistake causing serious long-term problems. Thinking you are smarter than other people and that it's important to prove it. An arrogant belief that you are a genius.

Example: A 15 year-old boy dreamed of being a neurosurgeon that was being paid $800,000. In waking life he naively believed that a video-game company needed his help to make their videogame perfect with a change he was working very hard on to submit to them. He was spending a lot of time on an idea that was most likely going to be ignored because he was so young.

Nicki Minaj

To dream of Nicki Minaj represents an aspect of personality that is more incredible than other people (or gets the most attention) for behavior that feels good being more arrogant than someone else about being flamboyant, never in trouble for whatever you are saying, while ignorant seeing yourself as incredible as you say you are that's perfectly never fake that takes it personally. Flamboyant arrogant confidence and boastfulness that gets away with talking about itself however it wants with never having to be a fake for the rest of its life because you're supported by people no matter what. Feeling good bragging or talking back to people like it's "just that simple" that everything in your life is better than other people under control while perfectly never fake without deserving any questioning. Behavior that's never being desperate about believing it's better than other people that doesn't have to say it twice because it's always true.

Negatively, dreaming about Nicki Minaj may represent behavior that's overdoing attention-seeking that's flamboyant, arrogant, safely never in trouble, always in control, and never fake that takes it personally. Behavior that feels good being arrogant about never embarrassing itself with any questions with nothing being strange about talking about itself having sex all the time is family life. Behavior that may be too outspoken or attention-seeking about being in love with yourself thinking that nothing is wrong with you. Behavior that is more arrogant than other people while actually being in control of itself as safe as it gets.

Rap Stars in general may represent arrogance, toughness, or showing off about proving yourself that will never lose or give up. A rap star may also reflect behavior that likes to show off talking back to people with an attitude that other people can't do anything about.

Example: A young man dreamed of Nicki Minaj initiating sex with kissing and grabbing him. He had to pull back and tell her that he was in a serious relationship. In waking life, he was in a serious relationship with an active sex life. In this case, rejecting Nicki Minaj may have reflected his awareness of himself being arrogant about showing off enjoying talking about his happy relationship with an active sex life to other people while not deserving anyone to talk back to him about it being fake before realizing that it might be inappropriately disrespecting his girlfriend to continue speaking that way.



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