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To dream of a shirt in a dream represents your personality style. The style and color of the shirt represent the way you are choosing to think or behave.

To dream of being shirtless or losing your shirt represents embarrassment or feeling forced to be honest.

To dream of a white shirt represents the personality being genuine, honest, or proper. Alternatively, a white shirt may reflect personality changes. A negative thinking pattern is being corrected or life is forcing you to change yourself.

*Please See T-Shirt

*Please See Sweatshirt


To dream of shivering represents your preoccupation with how terrible or uncaring a situation is. Feeling abandoned, left out, or unloved. Facing the harsh consequences of someone else's jealous actions towards you. Feeling alone. Enduring a life situation the long hard way with no help. Enduring a difficult unexpected reality you would have never expected. Feeling that a situation is terrible and unfair. Feeling that you may have the rest of your life by yourself.

To dream of quivering from the cold represents feelings about a situation being insensitive, brutal, or extremely difficult to get through. You may feel that a situation is not fair. A "cold shoulder" from someone. Quivering may reflect your persistence through adversity.

Negatively, quivering may be a sign that you are allowing your fear or ego to prevent you from reaching out to others. Putting up with a lot more difficulty than you should have to.

Example: A man dreamed of experiencing himself shivering. In waking life a business partner has decided to rip him off and this forced him to face the difficult reality of having to start over on his own.

Example 2: A man dreamed of himself shivering. In waking life a friend has died leaving him feeling abandoned, alone, and facing the rest of his life by himself.


To dream of receiving an electrical shock represents an unpleasant surprise or shock to the ego. Disbelief at how wrong you were or how much you have underestimated someone. A sudden realization that someone has more power than you thought they did.

To dream of feeling shocked by something you see or hear represents a sudden awakening or new awareness. You or someone else may have issues with adjustment. Total surprise by unexpected events in waking life. You may have underestimated a person or situation. Something in your life doesn't make sense. You may feel appalled by a person's words or actions.

Example: A woman dreamed of being shocked to find out she was robbed while she took a shower. In waking life she just broke up with her boyfriend and was having trouble adjusting to a life she wasn't used to.

Example 2: A man dreamed of being shocked to learn that he was about to die. In waking life he was surprised to realize how badly he had been isolating himself from his friends. He felt the was on the verge of ending these friendships if he didn't take immediate action to get in touch.

Example 3: A woman dream that she was shocked to find herself in her bra and panties. In waking life a very uncomfortable argument popped up at work out of the blue and forced her to take sides. She never expected something this uncomfortable to happen.


To dream of shoelaces represents being set in your ways, commitment to principles, ideology, or how adamant or confident you are in your beliefs.

To have shoelaces coming undone represents weakening principles, straying from goals you have set out for yourself, a lack of preparation, or being unable to complete a task as expected.

To dream that your shoelaces are already untied represents a lack of preparation for a task at hand. Perhaps you are not ready to move forward in a relationship or endeavor.

To dream of tying your shoelaces represents preparation for a challenge. You may be ready to move forward with goals or carry out a decision.

To be attacked by someone with shoelaces represents you or someone else that may feel there is a lack of commitment in some area. You may be blaming yourself or feel that someone is blaming you for not trying hard enough.

To dream of shoes lacking shoelaces represents feelings about an approach to life that you have no serious commitment to. Feelings about a way of doing thing or making changes to behavior that you have no serious willpower for.

Example: A man dreamed of being handed shoes with no shoelaces in them. In waking life he felt that it was his responsibility to change his life to help his family in another state with their health and finances, but he has no motivation to get serious about it.


To dream of shoes represents your approach to life or a situation. How you choose to deal with situations. Your style or methodology for confronting problems. Our principles, morals, objectives, or motivations. Look to the color and style of shoe for additional symbolism.

To dream of getting a new pair of shoes represents new methods of approaching situations or going about life. New ideas, new insights, or new skills that are transforming your outlook. Confronting problems differently or changing how you interact with people.

To dream of shoes that are too cramped represents an approach to a situation that is too limiting and ineffective.

To dream of changing your shoes represents changing your approach to a situation. Different methods or ideas are being used.

To dream of taking your shoes off represents giving up your approach to a situation. You may have found that certain ideas or methods are not useful to you. Retiring from a situation or challenge. Negatively, it may be a sign that you are giving up or giving in too easily.

To dream of white shoes represents an approach to a situation that is based on good intentions or wanting to do nothing wrong. Alternatively, a white shoes may reflect an approach to a situation or life that is focused on fixing problems or dealing with negativity for good.

To dream of red shoes represents a dangerous approach to a situation. Dealing with problems in a criminal, risky, dangerous, intentionally dishonest, or reckless manner. Dealing with situations with no regard for other people's feelings. A method of problem solving that is excessively dishonest. Dealing with problems by being very angry at people or scaring people with change they can't refuse. Using sex in a dishonest manner to get what you want from people.

To dream of being unable to find your shoes represents feelings of being unable to approach a situation with confidence or in a way you are used to doing. Feeling that your methods to solving a problem will not work the way you thought they would.

To dream of polishing shoes represents an attempt to look perfect or "polished" with your methods of dealing with a situation. Not wanting to look nervous, inexperienced, or immoral in any way at all. Wanting to look good knowing what you are talking about to others or like you can be trusted. You may be concerned about making a good first impression or that you are beyond criticism.

To dream of a pair of sneakers (running shoes) represents an approach to a situation that is casual or worry free. Playing it cool. Not taking life too seriously. Comfort and satisfaction with yourself and who you are.

Negatively, a sneakers may be a sign that you are not being serious enough about how you go about doing something. Irresponsibility or ignoring danger. Always taking the easy options. Playing it too cool.

To dream of wet shoes may reflect feelings of embarrassment that your approach to a situation didn't work out as planned. Methods or problem solving have caused more problems. Your manner of approaching a situation is causing problems or making your life more difficult. Embarrassment that you aren't as effective as you want to be.

To dream of wearing two different shoes represents feelings about conflicting approaches to a situation. Two different simultaneous methods of living, doing your job, or living in a relationship. Awareness of yourself not being 100% loyal. Awareness of yourself not being 100% decided or focused. Awareness of yourself not being 100% team player.

Negatively, wearing two different shoes may reflect problems with living honestly or difficulty adjusting to new conditions in your life. Awkwardly living a double life or pretending you like something only because someone else likes it. Awareness of yourself living a lie or having to be a different person to different people. Fearing looking like a fake to two different people. Excessive people pleasing or difficulty being comfortable being yourself.

To dream of shoes breaking represents feelings about an approach to a situation not working anymore or not being good enough. Feeling forced to change your approach to a situation. Feelings that there is something wrong with your approach to a situation that can't be fixed. Negatively, it may be a sign that you are either overdoing something, not experienced enough, or even possibly not being persistent enough in your ways. Embarrassment that your methods are not as good as someone else's.

Example: A psychiatrist dreamed of wearing shoes that were too cramped. In real life she was beginning to feel that Freud's methods were too limiting to her work in understand people's minds. The cramped shoes reflected her feelings that using a Freudian approach to therapy was too limiting to be effective for all her clients.

Example 2: A man dreamed of trying to decide between two pairs of shoes. In waking life was writing a book and trying to decide whether to be totally honest about some stupid things he had done or to avoid writing about them completely.

Example 3: A man dreamed that the soles of his shoes were worn out and that new soles were only allowed for Nazi Storm Troopers. In waking life he was living in Nazi Germany and once he had exhausted his ability to secretly avoid Nazi restrictions he felt forced to accept them to continue his life normally.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of being unable to find a certain pair of shoes. In waking life she was unable to find a way to deal with a problem she had.


To dream of an angry, evil, or deranged shooter represents feelings about the possibility for dangerous choices to be made that get back at you. Fear of some kind of uncontrolled choice causing serious damage or failure in your life. Feelings about lies you have told having consequences with someone else's frustrated anger. Feeling that someone is going to get you back in way that you feel is emotionally dangerous. Feeling that someone is insistent and determined to get you back that scares you. Feeling that an unpredictable person or situation might "snap" at any time. Feelings about possible random or unpredictable acts of vengeance on innocence. Concerns about dealing with someone else's heated frustrations.

To dream of a professional shooter represents feelings about calculated decisions to "take out" a problem. Calculated payback. Your own arrogance that is attempting to "take out" a problem. Feelings that someone is trying "take you out" with calculated decisions. Dangerous powerful decisions that can be called up on demand. Feelings about calculated payback that can't be predicted.

To dream of a criminal shooter represents represents feeling about significant dishonest choices that may be dangerous or cause harm. Powerful dishonest choices that may cause significant loss to you or others. Dishonest choices that make you feel that you or someone else is immoral.

*Please See School Shooter


To dream of seeing a shooting represents witnessing yourself or someone else making a final decision. A change has been decided on. Aiming for a goal. Choosing to "terminate" your competition or people who you think are working against your best interests.

Alternatively, seeing a shooting in a dream may reflect awareness of something in your life being cancelled, stopped, or purposely failed. A fight or conflict of interests in waking life. Feeling that people or life are working against you in some way. Feeling intentionally antagonized, attacked, or embarrassed. Feeling shocked by a sudden loss or setback.

Negatively, dreaming of a shooting may reflect witnessing a shocking choice being made or dangerous change of events.

To dream that you are shooting someone else may reflect a big decision you've made. Getting rid of a partner or problem for good. Making an emotionally dangerous or dramatic decision. Choosing to "terminate" some area of your life. Negatively, it may reflect choosing to turn your back on something good in you life.

To be shot with bullets symbolizes people or situations with the power to control your decisions and feelings. Decisions other people have made that embarrassed you.

To see another person shoot someone represents one aspect of your personality having the power to control another. Feelings about losing an argument or fight.

To dream of being shot at, but missed symbolizes people or situations that are attempting to control your decisions. If you shoot and miss someone in a dream it represents your failed attempt to reach a goal or change something. Failure to "terminate" a person or problem.

To die from a gunshot wound represents failure due to a situation or person that overpowered you or took you by surprise. A person or situation was too powerful, resourceful or intimidating. Often a dream symbol that appears when someone is fired from a job or a partner breaks up with them. Feeling purposely excluded, "kicked out" or "fired."

Example: A man dreamed of being shot in his chest. In waking life he went to the doctor to examine some pain and discomfort he was having and found out that he had a serious heart problem. The shooting may have reflected his feelings about life shocking him with sudden health problem.

Example 2: A young girl dreamed of being shot in the head. In waking life she woke up with a severe migraine.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing other people being shot. In waking life he experienced co-workers getting fire by his boss.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of shooting people in all directions. In waking life she was suffering from a paranoid mental illness that made her turn on everyone around her.

Example 5: A man dreamed of shooting a lion. In waking life he felt forced to defend himself against a woman whose behavior was becoming too controlling.

Example 6: A man dreamed of fighting and losing a violent shoot-out with guns. In waking life she was trying very hard to give up his marijuana habit and eventually gave in to his cravings.

Example 7: A young man dreamed of being shot with a single bullet in his cheek. In waking life he got a pimple on his cheek the next day. The bullet may have reflected his feelings about the zit attacking his ability to stay competitively attractive with other boys at school.

Example 8: A woman dreamed of seeing her stepfather with bullets shots in his body. In waking life she had lost an argument with a sister of whom she hated.

Example 9: A woman dreamed of being shot. In waking life she got rejected for a promotion. In this case the gun shot may have reflected her feelings about the powerful emotional impact of the choice by others to reject her promotion request and diminish her confidence about being a professional.

Example 10: A woman dreamed of being shot in the head. In waking life she felt sad after being dumped by a guy.

*Please See Bullets

*Please See Guns


To dream of a shootout represents feelings of intense conflict, danger, or confrontation in your waking life. A high-stakes situation where you or others are engaged in a fierce battle, either verbally, emotionally, or physically. A reflection of your fears, anxieties, or concerns about a real-life conflict or power struggle. A fast-moving confrontational situation with a clear sense of opposition or rivalry, and a significant urgency about the outcome. Deep-rooted internal conflicts.

Positively, dreaming of a shootout may indicate that you have the courage, determination, and readiness to confront issues, challenges, or individuals head-on. A willingness to stand up for your beliefs and protect what is important to you, even in the face of adversity. A strong defensive stance, assertiveness, or the courage to stand your ground. A desire for justice or a resolution to a long-standing issue. A release of pent-up stress or aggression, signifying an active engagement in resolving matters that have been causing tension or conflict.

Negatively, a shootout in a dream may suggest that you are feeling overwhelmed by a conflict situation in your waking life. Repressed anger or aggression that needs to be addressed. Uncontrolled anger, danger, or chaotic situations. Feeling caught in the middle of a hostile situation where you feel unsafe or threatened. Making impulsive decisions under pressure, or engaging in harmful or risky conflicts that could have serious consequences. A chaotic emotional atmosphere with outbursts or "firing off" of angry emotions or harsh words, akin to bullets in a shootout. An internal state of stress and alertness, constantly feeling like there is a need to be on the defensive due to the unpredictable but always tense environment you are living in. A fear of confrontation or an inability to control a rapidly escalating situation in your waking life.

Example: A young man dreamed of seeing all the people he lives with as he walked down his old street. Suddenly, a shootout broke out. In waking life, he felt that sometimes he couldn't stand the people he lived with because there was too much hate, anger, and fakeness. In this case, the shootout may have reflected his perception of the intense conflict, "explosive" confrontations", and hostility he felt within his living situation. The dream served as a metaphor for the emotional battleground he experienced daily, where people around him were engaged in conflict, making him uncomfortable and anxious.

*Please See Guns


To dream of shopping represents your consideration of ideas, choices, roles, or acceptable ways of thinking. Surveying your options. Exploring all possibilities before integrating ideas, attitudes, or roles into your way of living. Trying to discover what beliefs, choices, or habits suit you best. Consider choices for the next phase of your life.

Alternatively, shopping may reflect your attempt to convince yourself about what the best methods or options are to fulfill a need or solve a problem. You may be asking yourself what's best for you right now?

Negatively, shopping may reflect frustration with too many choices or feeling overwhelmed with a myriad of choices. Anxiety about making the right choice.

Shopping at discount stores may reflect options with less personal cost or that feel easier than other choices.

Shopping at expensive stores may reflect more "expensive", difficult, or riskier choices you are considering. Feeling that a choice may cost you too much for the rest of your life.

Example: A man dreamed of walking into a store to buy some clothing. In waking life he was considering whether or not marry someone was good idea.

*Please See Mall

*Please See Shopping Cart


To dream of a shotgun represents the power to make a decision that is significant, powerful, or has lasting consequences. A shotgun symbolizes choices that are dramatic. Dealing with a problem with one final shot.

If bad people in a dream hold a shotgun it represents negative personality traits with the power to make dramatic choices that could sabotage you, or "burn bridges." It may also reflect your own wish to get back at someone powerfully.

To dream of a sawed-off shotgun symbolizes you or some aspect of your personality that can make very powerful quick decisions. Big choices made on the spot. If a bad or evil person in a dream has a sawed-off shot gun this can symbolize very powerful short term rash decisions.

Example: A very young girl dreamed of seeing her father shooting her with a shotgun. In waking life her parents were getting divorced and she feared deciding which parents to live with because she felt that one of them would stop loving her. The shotgun in this case may have reflected how powerful and dangerous she felt deciding which parent to live with was.

Example 2: A man dreamed picking up a double barrel shotgun. In waking life he was threatening to sue someone for injuries while demanding a settlement as a faster option to resolve the legal conflict.

*Please See Guns


To dream of a shoulder bag represents feelings of practicality, responsibility, and preparedness in your waking life with a sense of identity about being comfortable that it's not important. Being prepared or ready to handle life's challenges while also maintaining a sense of personal style or identity. Your ability to carry your essentials or burdens with ease, grace, and confidence. A sense of identity and utility about not embarrassing yourself for not having what you need with you to deal with problem situations. Capability and confidence in managing responsibilities.

Positively, dreaming about a shoulder bag may represent practicality combined with a sense of fashion or personal expression. You feel well-prepared and organized in your waking life, capable of handling various situations without compromising your sense of self. A harmonious blend of necessity and personal.

Negatively, dreaming about a shoulder bag could represent feelings of being weighed down by responsibilities or challenges that you are trying to carry with style but are finding burdensome. It might suggest that you are concerned with appearances and how you are perceived by others, possibly at the expense of addressing deeper issues. Alternatively, it could indicate a reliance on appearances related to liking yourself as a person in order to define your identity or sense of worth while dealing with life challenges. Issues with being vain while dealing with life problems.

Example: A non-binary teenager dreamed of going being in a store in the purse section and picking up an over-the-shoulder bag instead of a purse. In waking life, they were preparing to host a prom. In this case, the shoulderbag being chosen instead of a purse may have reflected their feelings about their gender being an issue with not wanting to embarrass themselves by appearing too traditionally feminine or masculine while dealing with the social challenge of preparing to attend prom. The shoulder bag symbolized a more neutral or versatile choice that aligned with their sense of non-binary identity, indicating readiness and preparation for the event while maintaining comfort in their gender expression.

*Please See Utility Bag

*Please See Purse


To dream of shoulders represents feelings about the ability to handle responsibility, burdens, or the ability to carry the weight of a problem if you need to. The capacity to carry the weight of obligations and challenges in life. Your perception of your own strength, both physical and emotional, and how you cope with the demands or pressures of your waking life

Positively, dreaming about shoulders represents strength, reliability, and the ability to bear burdens if you have to. It may reflect a conscious recognition of your own capacity to handle stress, take on responsibilities, or support others. Your ability to uphold commitments, show determination, and demonstrate resilience in the face of adversity. Your ability to take on tasks and responsibilities with confidence, providing support to those around you.

Negatively, dreaming about shoulders could represent feelings of being overwhelmed or burdened by the weight of too many responsibilities or stresses. A sense of carrying the weight of others' problems or bearing excessive pressure in your life. A need to alleviate stress and find ways to share the load with others. Feelings of being overworked. Perhaps you feel like you're carrying too much on your own, without any assistance from others, or you're struggling under the weight of expectations that you find too demanding or unreasonable.

To dream of wide shoulders represents feelings of increased capacity, capability, or confidence to take on responsibilities or burdens. It could symbolize your perception of yourself as being capable of handling more than usual, or it might reflect your view of someone else as being particularly strong, reliable, or equipped to bear heavy burdens or responsibilities. This could also pertain to feelings of readiness to take on bigger challenges, increased resilience, or enhanced strength in the face of adversity. It suggests a conscious or subconscious recognition of one's ability to handle larger amounts of stress, responsibilities, or demands in life.

To dream of someone forcefully grabbing you by the shoulder may reflect situations where you feel singled out, confronted, or forced to deal with a problem or responsibility. Feelings about a situation that is pressuring you, demanding your attention, or making you feel obligated or responsible for something.

To dream of a hand being gently placed on your shoulder may reflect feelings of support and reassurance. It could symbolize a comforting presence or the act of someone else acknowledging your burdens and offering help. It might also represent guidance, compassion, or a gentle reminder that you're not alone in your struggles.

To dream of a dislocated shoulder may reflect problems with feeling incapable or unprepared to handle the responsibilities or challenges in your life. Feelings about an unexpected setback or failure that has made it difficult to carry out your duties and obligations as expected. A perceived loss of strength, resilience, or ability to bear burdens. This could reflect real-life experiences where you feel overwhelmed, unsupported, or unable to cope with the stresses or responsibilities you are facing.

To dream of a bird on your shoulder may reflect feelings about it being your job to carry a burden of a job responsibility before moving on. Consider alternative meanings if the bird species is specific.

To dream of looking over your shoulder may represent paranoia, distrust, or fear about problems catching up to you. You may be feeling anxious or worried about unresolved issues or past mistakes that you fear might have negative consequences. It could also reflect feelings of guilt, regret, or a fear of judgment or retaliation. Difficulty being 100% confident or secure in yourself about a situation. Concerns that someone or something that you overlooked may embarrass you.

Example: A teenage boy dreamed of seeing a cloaked man with a crow on his shoulder. The cloaked man placed his hand on the dreamer's shoulder. In waking life, the dreamer was seriously considering enlisting in the Marine Corps. In this case, the crow sitting on the cloaked man's shoulder man have reflected his feelings about the military recruiter having to carry the annoying responsibility of his job by trying to enroll people in the military. The cloaked man touching the shoulder of the dreamer may have reflected the dreamer's feelings about being asked to take on the burden of serving his country by enrolling in the military.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing her son with a dislocated shoulder. In waking life, she was very uncertain about her family life because her children had been taken away from her. She felt she needed government financial assistance to try to get her children returned to her and restore her family life. In this case, her son having a dislocated shoulder may have reflected her feelings about herself losing confidence in herself as a competent mother to carry the financial burden of a stable family home life.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing a naked woman with wide masculine shoulders who was ready to have sex with him to get pregnant for an arranged marriage. In waking life, he was considering having a child with a woman for an arranged marriage, and he felt the woman was overconfident about being involved in his business activities once the marriage was consummated. In this case, the wide shoulders may have reflected the man's feelings about the woman being too confident, assertive or dominant about her ability to handle the responsibilities involved in their future marriage and business affairs.


*Please See Yelling


To dream of a shovel represents waking life situations where your focus is on doing something different. Struggling with all you have to make a change. A quest for a new understanding

To dream of digging a hole with a shovel represents your attempt to do all you can to get answers. A quest for new understanding or to get to the bottom of a problem. Negatively, it may reflect a problem you are making worse for yourself. Trying too hard to find the truth to a problem.

*Please See Grave


To dream of a shower represents a renewal, or a fresh start. A shower symbolizes something you are thinking, or something that is happening in your waking life that is allowing you to relieve a burden or stress of some kind. Something may have happened that allows you to stop worrying.

If you can't find a shower, or have difficulty using one it symbolizes a burden or emotional difficulties that are holding you back.

Negatively, a shower may reflect negative or dishonest actions that improve your life in some way. Feeling that your social standing changes from a loser to a winner because you did something illegal or took drugs around people who pressured you. Awareness of yourself becoming a winner because you are choosing to change your life with an illegal decision.

Example: A young girl dreamed of being in a shower and pulling out her teeth. In waking life she felt that she was getting more respect from her friends after taking drugs for the very first time.

Example 2: A man had recurring dreams of being in his shower. In waking he was experiencing recurring bouts of anxiety that would fade away after a period of time leaving him feeling better about himself.

Example 3: A man dreamed of being in a shower. In waking life was experiencing a serious complication with his health slowly going away.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of crying in the shower. In waking life she felt that she was emotionally stable moving on from her mother's death and then suddenly found it difficult to get over her mother's death after thinking about her for too long.

Example 5: A man dreamed of walking towards a shower and then being told that he didn't need to so he turned around. In waking life, the man thought he was going to have to go to the hospital for a serious health condition, but his health stabilized at the last minute. In this case, the shower may have reflected his feelings about thinking he needed to go to the hospital to get medical assistance to restore his body to normal function.

*Please See Soap

*Please See Bathtubs

*Please See Bubble Bath



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