To dream of a ghost represents issues from your past that are unresolved and still effect you. Painful memories, guilt, unfulfilled romance, people you can't forgive, hate, anger, or embarrassment. A problem that still "haunts" you. Jealousy from the past that you can't escape.
People often dream of the ghost of a deceased loved one after a murder or violent death. This is most likely a reflection of their feelings about the tragedy "haunts them." Dreaming of a ghost of deceased loved one can also reflect lingering feelings of being deserted or abandoned by your partner's death. It may also reflect your feelings that the deceased love one, while in the spirit world, disapproves of your current life or something you did to them.
When dreaming about deceased people it's very important to consider whether the dream was of a ghost or just the character of the deceased person. People often make the mistake of believing that because the person is dead that dreaming of a deceased people means you dreamed of a ghost. Dreaming of dead parents, family members, friends, or others may have more symbolic value if you consider the dream symbol to be an actual image of the person and not a ghost.
To dream of being a ghost represents your feelings of being unable to do what you wanted. Something sacrificed your spirits, hopes, and wishes and left you feeling incomplete or unsatisfied. Feelings of being completely overlooked and ignored in life.
To dream of the ghost of your father may reflect a sense of guilt or regret about a really bad decision you made. Alternatively, it may reflect a your feelings of being "haunted" by a decision you didn't make or didn't make fast enough. Living with the embarrassment of a choice your made.
To dream of the ghost of your grandmother may reflect feelings of being bothered by a situation that is too powerful to ignore. Feeling guilty that you aren't doing the right thing in a conflicting situation that's impossible to ignore.
To dream of the ghost of a dog may reflect feelings of guilt or regret you have for having stood up for yourself. Living with the embarrassment of having defended yourself at all costs or sticking up for someone. Regret or lingering embarrassment for having a really bad argument with someone. Living with the consequences of what you did.
To dream of giving a ghost gifts or sacrifices to appease it may represent feelings of having to do favors or being extra nice to people to compensate for your guilt.
Example: An old woman dreamed of seeing her deceased husband living an entirely new life with dyed hair in a new section of her town. In waking life she felt deserted by her husband after his death while grieving.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of the ghost of her mother being angry at her. In waking life she has deep regret and guilt for not being present at the hospital where he mother had died alone.
Example 3: A young man dreamed of being haunted by the face of his grandmother about his treatment of his father. In waking life his father was hospitalized and he felt guilt about not visiting him to reconcile their difference after they had a huge argument.
Example 4: A man had recurring dreams of the ghost of his father ridiculing him and insulting him. In waking life he was a writer who was troubled by the belief that his dead father didn't think his work was good enough and was laughing at him from the grave.
Example 5: A young boy had recurring dreams of a ghost haunting him and attacking him. In waking life he barely knew his father because his father was in the military. When his father would return home he feared being yelled at all the time. The ghost attacking him may have reflected his feelings about never having gotten the chance to know his father while also being yelled at by him. The ghost represented the lingering unresolved feelings of never bonding.
Example 6: A young women dreamed of herself being a ghost. In waking life she got into big argument with her boyfriend who made her feel pathetic. She couldn't get over the humiliation and constantly felt like a "ghost of her former self" while around her boyfriend. She felt unimportant while around him.
Example 7: A young woman dreamed being in a house with ghosts. In waking life she felt that she needed to deal with issues with her past that bothered her. She was doing a lot of self-reflection.
Example 8: A woman dreamed of seeing a ghost of her Grandmother. In waking life, was allowing a haunting memory of her Grandmother cursing her unborn child to bother her.
Ghost Town
To dream of a ghost town represents a loss of socialization and a feeling of abandonment in relationships or interactions with others. A disconnection from a community or group of people that once provided a sense of belonging. You may have noticed that a relationship or interaction between others is no longer as desirable or interesting as it once was. It may also reflect abandonment of friendships or a "cool place to be." Feeling that old friends don't care who you are anymore. Nostalgia about old locations were friends have moved on long ago.
Example: A man dreamed of walking through a ghost town. In waking life, he was experiencing covid-19 pandemic related anxiety. In this case, the ghost town may have reflected the stark change in his social life due to restrictions and lockdowns, feeling as though his once bustling life had become deserted and desolate.
Example 2: A young woman dreamed of a tourist ghost town. In waking life, her workplace office was moving to a new location. In this case, the tourist ghost town may have reflected her feelings about having moved most of her belongings to the new office building and visiting her old workplace one last time. The old workplace was usually a place lively and familiar that now felt deserted and abandoned.