To dream of a beard represents you or some aspect of your personality that is assertive, experienced, confident, or powerful. It also represents maturity and higher standards of thinking. A masculine role. Feelings about serious or adult decisions. A wish to avoid looking childish or stupid.
Woman dreaming of having a beard may reflect their wish to fill masculine role that is making you fill uncomfortable.
A long white beard represents wisdom and experience. Boredom with situations that others may find difficult or scary.
Example: A woman dreamed of growing a beard. In waking life felt that she was being too passive and needed to take a more assertive role with a relative.
Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing naked people with a beard. In waking life he was embarrassed at having to reveal to friends that he needed to move back to his home country after having moved to a new country. He felt it was wise choice to make for economic reasons, but still felt embarrassed having to discus moving back home after having gotten accustomed to the new country. The beard in this base may have reflected his feelings about how serious and adult his decision to move back home was.
Example 3: A man dreamed of having his beard shaved clean off by a barber. In waking life he was an actor and felt that he was being cast in the movie in a manner that didn't allow him to assert himself with his religious values. He felt forced to take a dishonest role and that requires taking orders in a way he didn't approve.
*Please See Facial Hair
*Please See Moustache
To see a bear in a dream represents an aspect of yourself that is aggressively independent or that doesn't like to share. You or someone else that likes to do things all on their own. Not liking other ideas or other people interfering with you. You or someone else that is impossible to compromise with. An overbearing possessive attitude that puts itself first.
Negatively, the bear reflects possessiveness, an overbearing attitude, or unhealthy loner tendencies. You or someone else that doesn't want to share anything or do anything with anyone else. You want something all to yourself or to monopolize something. A fierce desire to have something all to yourself. Alternatively, a bear may reflect a problem that makes nobody like to be around you or an issue that make socializing impossible. Grumpy attitude. An intimidating control freak in your life.
To dream of being chased by a bear represents may represent an aversion to someone else's possessiveness, jealousy, or unwillingness to share. It may also represent a fear of being alone or being noticed by yourself. Problems taking time off work or fearing your boss.
To dream of being attacked by a bear may reflect feelings about conflict in your life with a dominant jealous person. Feeling attacked for your independence. Feeling attacked by someone who wants to steal your ideas or freedom. Feeling attacked by someone who doesn't want you to have friends. Feeling attacked by someone who doesn't like you have financial freedom. Feeling attacked by a jealous partner or family member. Fearing yourself being forced to be alone. Conflict with someone who thinks they are better than you are. Conflict with someone who doesn't like you owning or controlling property. A powerful greedy person who doesn't like sharing with you and will attack you with all their strength to avoid having to share with you. Terrifying jealousy of you. Overbearing selfish parents or authority figures.
To dream of a black bear may reflect feelings of fearing someone who doesn't want to share with you. Excessive feelings about wanting to be alone or monopolize a situation. Excessive need to have all the attention, importance, or power to yourself. Excessive selfishness that wishes to scare people away from sharing.
To dream of a brown bear (grizzly bear) represents behavior that is aggressively independent and doesn't like to share while not needing anyone else's help. Aggressive independence that doesn't like to share and wants other people to go away. Behavior that's more aggressive than other people about not wanting people around.
Example: A young man once dreamed of a brown bear trying to attack him in his bedroom. In waking life, he was very depressed and was thinking about being alone for the rest of his life. In this case, the brown bear may have reflected his depression temporarily making him aggressive about being alone while feeling that he didn't want people around him.
Example 2: A teacher often dreamed of seeing bears. In waking life, he had a tendency to dominate conversations and to discourage anyone else from having an opinion. In this case, the bears may have reflected his own aggressive and possessive attitude towards controlling discussions and not allowing others to share their ideas or perspectives.
Example 3: A man dreamed of bears attacking him. In waking life, financial problems forced his wife to work longer hours and he didn't like being unable to completely support her financially. In this case, the bears may have reflected his feelings of being attacked by the aggressive independence of his wife having to work.
Example 4: A woman dreamed of being attacked by a bear. In waking life, she felt that discussing her rape made it impossible to be around the people she loved. In this case, being attacked by a bear may have reflected her feelings about the reactions from people after discussing her rape making her emotional and aggressive about deserving to be alone and not talk to people again.
Example 5: A woman dreamed of a brown bear that was calm. In waking life, she had a nephew who was on life support and close to death. In this case, the calm brown bear may have reflected her feelings about her nephew's medical problem being impossible to compromise with because he had to be left alone in a sensitive state while being close to death.
Example 6: A young man dreamed of a bear's head being decapitated. In waking life, he was afraid of joining the military because he believed he couldn't deal with being shouted at a lot or ordered around. In this case, the decapitated bear head may have reflected his feelings about discontinuing thinking about joining the military which he felt would be too overbearing about never allowing him to think independently or do things on his own the same way ever again if he joined the military.
Example 7: A young boy dreamed of seeing a bear with a human face. In waking life, his little brother had been killed in a car accident and he was forced to go to therapy to discuss it. In this case, the bear with a human face may have reflected his feelings about not wanting to discuss anything about himself with a therapist and aggressively keeping all his private thoughts to himself in a civil manner.
Example 8: A young man dreamed of being attacked by a bear. In waking life, he had a very jealous father who wanted to keep total control over his life. In this case, being attacked by a bear may have reflected his feelings about his father about his father's aggressive possessiveness and overbearing nature, making him feel attacked and unable to have any independence or freedom in his own life.
*Please See Polar Bears
Panda Bear
To dream of a panda bear represents feelings about behavior that prefers to never be bothered and is aggressive about never being interrupted. Behavior that is aggressive about not liking strangers. Behavior that doesn't mind strangers as long as the strangers mind their own business. Behavior that never bothers anyone else while being protective of itself doing whatever it wants.
Negatively, dreaming about a panda bear may represent feelings about aggressive solitary behavior or not wanting to interact with other people. Not wanting anyone to talk to you about whatever you are already doing. A panda suggests that you have a desire to be alone or are being anti-social. A panda is a sign that you need to try harder to interact or include others in your life. Behavior that is so passive or solitary that it gets angry about protecting itself that way.
Example: A man dreamed of a panda bear trying to get in his front door. In waking life, he was telling himself that he never wanted to have a girlfriend ever again. In this case, the panda bear may have reflected an aggressive desire to remain single and avoid romantic relationships, pushing away any potential for interaction or interruption in his solitary lifestyle.
Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing 2 panda bears peaking at him from behind a tree. In waking life, he experienced 30 days of the most powerful hallucinations of his life inside his home where God appeared as an energy ball with a face who had a wife with a similar appearance. He was instructed by God to stay inside his house for 30 days because isolation was important. In this case, the panda bears may have reflected his feelings about having an intense spiritual experience of witnessing God with a wife where it was important to remain undisturbed and focused on his divine instructions without any external interference.
Teddy Bear
To dream of a teddy bear represents emotional dependency. Feelings of comfort, safety, or emotional nurturing support that makes you feel confident about not being by yourself. A belief in something that comforts you, makes you feel safe, or gives you a sense of security and reassurance.
Positively, dreaming about a Teddy Bear represents feeling good thinking of someone even when they are not present in order to give yourself comfort, safety, or emotional nurturing support. Teddy bears might signify love, protection, warmth, and the nurturing aspects of your own character. It may suggest that you are in touch with the more innocent or vulnerable parts of yourself and are taking care to provide emotional support either to yourself or someone else. It can also represent a symbol of unconditional love or an acknowledgment of someone in your life who has been a constant source of comfort.
Negatively, a Teddy Bear in a dream could indicate feelings of emotional dependency, immaturity, or a refusal to grow up. It might symbolize an over-reliance on others for emotional support or a tendency to retreat into a childlike state when confronted with difficult situations. Perhaps you are avoiding responsibility or failing to address pressing matters in your waking life. Fantasies of comfort, safety, emotional support, or unconditional love used to nurture yourself that isn't real. Something that may scare you, depress you, or make you feel powerless if you ever had to give it up. A teddy bear may be a sign that you are being needy, clingy, or dependent.
Consider the type of the animal if it's not a bear for additional meaning.
Example: A young man dreamed of seeing someone holding a teddy bear. In waking life, he felt good thinking about dating a girl he liked and he scared himself thinking about his life not having her in it. In this case, the teddy bear may have reflected his feelings of emotional dependency on the idea of dating the girl, using her presence or the idea of being with her as a source of comfort and reassurance.
Bear Trap
To dream of a bear trap represents an obstacle in your life that jeopardizes your independence or well-being. A problem or delay that you consider to be unbearable. A setback you feel is beyond unfair.
To dream of using a bear trap may reflect your preparation to teach someone a lesson they will never forget. Getting back at someone with consequences that are unbearable. Making non-compliance feel terrible.
Fozzie Bear Muppet
To dream of Fozzie Bear The Muppet represents feelings about behavior that's whimsically controlled by someone else while not being aware of it, embarrasses itself thinking about itself being the funniest act there is, doesn't let go of why other people don't have to think it's the best, is nice about what it's doing, and wonderfully lets itself down if you don't think it's important. Deserving to be laughed at for who you are that doesn't work and not what you said. Behavior that is goofy about saving itself from not being the funniest and never bringing it up ever again. Attempts at humor often met with mixed reactions from others. Feelings about a person's own sense of humor, need for validation, or experiences with trying to make others laugh despite challenges or setbacks. Feelings about self-image regarding humor, insecurities, or concerns about acceptance and validation from others. Feelings about reliance on audience approval that doesn't work out all the time.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing the face of Fozzie Bear the Muppet with a red curtain behind him. In waking life, he was experiencing a corrupt cop who was caught trying to use him criminally to get famous with humor during a serious crime involving famous people. In this case, Fozzie Bear the Muppet may have reflected the cop was trying to mask his unethical or illegal actions with a facade of humor or levity, similar to how Fozzie Bear tries to entertain and make people laugh despite not always succeeding.
Gummy Bears Candy
To dream of a gummy bears candy represents enjoying a situation that feels good with nothing getting back at you for using your imagination like it's completely safe. Enjoying your imagination about something potentially being real without needing to be too serious about embarrassing you or getting back at you. Feeling safe flirting with harmless imaginative ideas with someone, without the fear of any immediate consequences or negative outcomes. Enjoying imaginative scenarios about possible relationships.
Negatively, gummy bears candy in a dream may represent an overly naive, imaginative, or carefree attitude towards situations that are serious or complicated because you are too safe. It can symbolize indulgence in wishful thinking, avoiding real responsibilities or problems, or failing to consider the reality of a situation because you are too safe. Overdoing never confronting anything terrible because you can keep safely imagining that you don't need to with nobody speaking to you about needing to be realistic.
Example: A girl dreamed of a green gummy bear. In waking life, she met a guy on the internet who lived in another US state. She enjoyed talking to the guy about a potential arranged marriage for the whole day. She didn't want to stop. In this case, the green gummy bear candy may have reflected her enjoyment and comfort in indulging her imagination regarding a potential arranged marriage with the guy she met online.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of live gummy Bears candy that kept dying. In waking life, she was a bisexual who had issues with not wanting to date a man because her family would never believe she was gay. In this case, the gummy bears that keep dying may have reflected her enjoying imaginative scenarios about possible relationships with men, that she ultimately perceived as incompatible or destined to fail, due to her struggle with her sexual identity.
Koala Bears
To dream of a koala bear represents instinctual behavior that doesn't mind thinking it's safer to never let go of family life safety so nothing embarrasses it. Comfort and security of sticking with the familiar that may instinctually have issues with letting go when necessary. Feeling good not that you are not an idiot about trying to comfortably maintain family life safety where your instincts might be feeling that something isn't safe about doing that for too long. Feelings about clinging to what is comfortable and familiar, particularly in terms of emotional or family safety.
Negatively, dreaming about a koala bear may represent excessive attachment or dependence on comfort zones, which may hinder growth or adaptability. Fear of the unfamiliar. An unnecessary attachment to safety and resistance to change due to fear of losing what feels stable and secure because you don't need to protect yourself as much as you think you do.
Koala Bears may be common to people who are planning to get married while refusing to let go of something that isn't helpful for their relationship.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing a mother koala clinging to a tree with a baby koala on her back. In waking life, he was experimenting with 2 health treatments that were very effective, but caused a side effect towards a regular health treatment which he needed to maintain without the side effects. In this case, the koala bears may have reflected his feelings about the comfort and security of sticking with the familiar health treatment (tree) while also trying to hold on to integrating the new ones (2 koalas) while feeling uncertain about using his instincts to determine what adjustments needed to be made to his health regime overall.
Polar Bears
To dream of a polar bear represents an aspect of yourself that defies adversity. A polar bear may reflect fearlessness or never giving in to problems. It may also represent a person in your life that can always be depended on to do the right thing. A symbol for compromising nothing to negativity.
Positively, a polar bear may reflect feelings about loyalty or sexual attraction that defies all odds. Calm courage to stick to values or moral under duress. Powerful spiritual loyalty under severe temptation. Fearless courage to never change in dangerous situations or terrible conditions. Powerful integrity.
Negatively, a polar bear may reflect serious issues with proving yourself right at all costs no matter how unpleasant or dangerous it feels. Showing off doing something that others think is too difficult or impossible. Fears about someone who you think is consumed with fearless defiance that is dangerous. Fear of someone who refuses to change in dangerous or terrible conditions.
Example: A woman dreamed of seeing people riding on polar bears. In waking life she had gone without food for 6 days to prove herself to God. The polar bears in this case may have reflected her willingness to risk personal danger by going without food for so long with calm in order to please God.
Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a polar bear that people were shooting guns at. In waking life he was undergoing a powerful spiritual test and felt that he is own urges were pressuring him to give up during his very difficult test.
Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing a polar bear. In waking life he was shocked that a extremely beautiful girl liked him a lot when he had a disease. He felt that she defied all odds in life by being so determined to be with him.
To dream of being barefoot represents situations where you are aware of your morals or basic principals being tested. Moral conduct or honest behavior is being noticed by others. You can't hide the trust of who you are as a person to yourself or others. Faithfulness or honesty is being displayed to others.
Positively, bare feet may reflect a willingness to change core beliefs or have your values tested in front of others.
Negatively, being barefoot may reflect a loss of principles, integrity, or morals. It may also reflect low self-esteem, or a lack of confidence. Having casual sex.
You may be experiencing vulnerability to negative influences. Situations in your life that open the door to corruption or challenges that you are not ready for. It may also an open attitude to changing your values.
Example: A man once dreamed of walking barefoot with his girlfriend when he had to stop because vines were growing out of his foot and the pain was unbearable. In real life he had just gotten engaged because his girlfriend was pregnant. The bare feet may have reflected his feelings about himself having a difficult time maintaining his moral commitment to be loyal to his girlfriend. He was aware of himself confronting the challenge of being faithful.
*Please See Feet