To dream of a trombone represents expressing feelings about never being in love with yourself while being supportive of other people mattering or feeling important as well. Feeling good not talking about yourself while supporting other people feeling important as well. Feeling good being supportive of people mattering with you. Feeling good not being the most important person so other people like doing things with you. Feelings related to social dynamics and the importance of cooperation and teamwork in your life.
Negatively, dreaming about a trombone may represent the expressing of feelings of supportiveness for other people with whatever they are doing while never wanting anyone to think anything is wrong with you (pain, sadness, depression). Neglecting or denying your own emotional needs while feeling good with supportiveness for other people. A reluctance to acknowledge or address personal pain, sadness, or depression, preferring to focus on uplifting others instead of dealing with your own struggles. Feelings about the dreamer's identity being overshadowed by their role in supporting others.
Example: A woman dreamed of seeing her husband playing the trombone. In wake life, she was happy to see how supportive her husband was of their son while they bonded. In this case, the trombone may have reflected her husband's ability to uplift and encourage their son, allowing him to feel important and valued, while also feeling secure and content in his own role as a supportive father.
Example 2: A young man dreamed of being at a high school basketball game and seeing a pep band in the distance with a younger version of himself looking sad while playing the trombone. In waking life, he had just broken up with his girlfriend, felt suicidal, and didn't want to tell anyone how bad his life felt. In this case, the trombone may have reflected his feelings of trying to support and uplift others or maintain a sense of normalcy in his social life despite his own deep sadness and desire for help by not talking about his ex-girlfriend or suicide.