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Report Card

To dream of a report card represents feelings about how well you have performed in a waking life situation. It may also reflect insight or input from others about an achievement you've realized.

Positively, a report card may reflect confidence that nobody can laugh at your performance. Positive feedback from authority figures that makes you look good to others. Feeling that your performance was judged exceptional above others.

Negatively, dreaming about a report card may reflect anxiety about looking stupid or not having performed as well as you were expected to. Feedback from authority figures that embarrasses you. Feeling that you've been judged on your performance as being less exceptional than other people. Thinking that "passing" someone else's expectations is good enough. Naively believing that more won't be expected of you. Naively believing that your exceptional performance is actually relevant when it may not be. Consider the saying "resting on your laurels." Believing that you don't have anything you can improve about yourself.

Consider the letters or number percentages for further symbolism.

Alternatively, a report card may reflect anxiety your performance at school or how good your grades are. Negatively, it could be a sign that you are too excepting of poor grades or believing that passing is good enough.

Example: A student dreamed of getting a 60% passing grade for a class they were having trouble with. A few days later they actually got a 60% passing grade. The dream may have been intuitive, while also signaling the dreamer's heightened degree of acceptance for their unexceptional performance.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of getting a very good report card that showed that he had very few areas that he needed to improve upon. In waking life he had passed a very hard test that he believed was the hardest test you can pass. He was slowly becoming annoyed by his teachers continuing to force discipline on him that would take years to perfect himself with.

*Please See Grade

ATM Card

To dream of an ATM card represents resources or abilities that you have, but don't use all the time. Access to power or choices that can be drawn upon when needed.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing his ATM card. In waking life he was an executive manager and was considering using his rank to fire someone who was stealing from the company. The ATM card represented the unused power or freedom to fire people if he wanted to, but didn't feel the need to do all the time.

Trading Card Plastic Sleeve

To dream of a trading card plastic sleeve represents preservation of something you think is valuable. Beliefs, feelings, or situations that you want to keep or think are special. You don't want to give something up, or find another alternative. Protective feelings about accomplishments or memories.

Negatively, a trading card plastic sleeve may reflect your wish to protect or preserve dishonest accomplishments. Feeling that it's important to carefully preserve an dishonest accomplishment.

Example: A man dreamed of being arrested for having cocaine saved inside a trading card plastic sleeve. In waking life he realized that he had to stop fantasizing about an old girlfriend he had an amazing sexual experience with if he was to pass a strict spiritual testing. The trading card plastic sleeve in this case may have reflected his tendency to preserve the bad habit of fantasizing about his ex-girlfriend when he knew it wasn't a moral.


To dream of grades represents feelings about self-evaluation, judgment, and performance. It could symbolize your thoughts on the importance of meeting certain standards, criteria, or expectations in your waking life. This dream could reflect your fears or anxieties about your perceived level of achievement or success.

Positively, dreaming about grades might symbolize validation, recognition, or accomplishment. It may reflect your satisfaction with your efforts or achievements, or it could represent a confirmation of your skills, talents, or abilities. It might also indicate a strong sense of discipline, ambition, and determination to excel.

Negatively, dreaming about grades could represent feelings of insecurity, inadequacy, or failure. It might symbolize fear of judgment, criticism, or disappointing others. You may be struggling with a fear of failure or feelings of not being good enough. This dream could also reflect an overly critical attitude towards yourself or a fear of not living up to your own or others' expectations. Feelings about being pushed too hard.

Alternatively, dreaming about grades may mirror waking life feelings about school performance.

To dream of good grades represents feelings of confidence, accomplishment, and satisfaction. It suggests that you are proud of your efforts and achievements, and you feel recognized and validated for your hard work. The dream might be a reflection of your high self-esteem, positive self-image, and the belief that you are competent and capable in whatever task or role you undertake. Negatively, good grades may reflect feelings about being pushed too hard to excel.

To dream of bad grades represents feelings of inadequacy, disappointment, and failure. You may feel as if you are falling short of your own or others' expectations, and this may cause anxiety or self-doubt. You may be struggling with feelings of low self-worth or self-esteem, or feeling judged or criticized. This dream might also be a sign that you are setting your standards too high and being overly critical of yourself.

To dream of average grades represents feelings of contentment, acceptance, and realism. It could reflect your perception of yourself as being average, doing just enough to meet expectations but not necessarily excelling. Feelings of complacency, stagnation, or a lack of ambition. It might indicate a fear of taking risks, a reluctance to step out of your comfort zone, or a belief that you are not capable of achieving more. This dream could also reflect a fear of failure that prevents you from aiming higher.

To dream of final grades represents an assessment of your overall performance or your feelings about the conclusion of a particular phase in your life. It could reflect your anxiety or anticipation about the final evaluation of your efforts in a project, relationship, or any significant endeavor in your waking life. This dream could also symbolize your thoughts about a definite judgment, a final result, or a decisive moment that could potentially alter your self-perception or life circumstances. Negatively, dreaming about final grades may represent apprehension, fear, or uncertainty about final evaluations or outcomes. It might symbolize worries about your overall performance, or doubts about whether you have met the standards or expectations set by yourself or others. This dream could also reflect a fear of closure or the end of a significant phase in your life.

To dream of disputing your grades represents feelings of frustration about perceived injustice or unfair treatment. You may feel that you are not receiving the recognition or reward you deserve, or you may be questioning the judgments or decisions of authority figures in your life. A lack of control about your efforts or accomplishments not being recognized properly or valued. Perhaps, you've been feeling underestimated, judged, or unfairly treated in your waking life. Believing that an authority figure is acting unjustly.

Example: A teenage girl dreamed of getting a few bad grades on her report card and feeling insecure about it. In waking life, she was insecure about being forgetful and what her parent's thoughts about it. In this case, the grades may have reflected her feelings of not meeting her parents' expectations. They might symbolize her fears of being judged negatively or her anxieties about potential criticism or disappointment due to her forgetfulness.

Example 2: A man dreamed of his wife grading papers while sitting on his bed. In waking life he was intentionally avoiding intimate relations with his wife and was experiencing anxiety about all his excuses or stories being good enough. He felt that his wife was carefully evaluating how good all his individual excuses were as he slowly ran out of excuses.

*Please See Report Card

Bank Card

*Please See ATM Card

Business Cards

To dream of a business card represents resources or opportunities that are always available to you. Something or someone you can "call" or use whenever you want it. A person or situation that you feel is always available to you if you're interested.

To dream of giving someone a business card represents your wish to be available to someone else whenever they want.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a business card. In waking life he felt a girl was making a gesture that made him feel he could sleep with her whenever he wanted.


To dream of cardboard represents feelings about something in your waking life being good for only one thing.

To dream of a cardboard box represents your feelings about something in waking life only being good for one thing all the time. Dispensability.

To dream of cardboard moving boxes represents feelings about change being inevitable. A strong sense that it's time to do something else.


To dream of a cardinal represents feelings about transcendence, escaping, or freedom that doesn't have to think of anyone else again if it doesn't want to. Feelings about the some serious could happen if someone isn't respected while they are close to you. Dangerously adult opportunity could fly away if you don't respect it while you can. Once in a lifetime opportunity that once it's gone its over. Transcendence that is never desperate or needy. Feelings about a professional that is normally so focused on what they do away from you that you are surprised that you'd ever get to see or talk to them at all when they show up.

Negatively, dreaming about a cardinal represents the arrogant transcendence of a problem or a situation that doesn't have to thank others. Feeling left behind or the potential to be left behind by an important person. The potential to be left behind by someone who doesn't need to do you a favor.

*Please See Birds

Christmas Cards

To dream of Christmas cards represents making an effort to show other people that you care about them. Making an effort to show other people that you love them. Reciprocating feelings of togetherness. Reminding people that you are thinking about them and hoping they are happy. Extra efforts made to care about other people's feelings.

To dream of old Christmas card may reflect feelings about how close, special, or loving a relationship use to be. Remembering the effort that used to be put into showing people they were cared about in the past. Remembering better times with family. Feelings about current family life being more snobby than it used to be.

Example: A woman dreamed of people throwing old family Christmas cards in the garbage. In waking life she felt that her family was falling apart and purposely distancing themselves from each other due to a divorce in the family.

Clubs (Playing Cards)

*Please See Playing Cards

Credit Cards

To dream of credit cards feelings of undisrupted power or ability to do whatever you want without needing permission or feeling restricted. An undisrupted ability to do whatever you want without asking, needing to save him, or feeling behind. Your ability to attain or experience what you want in life without disruption. Never being in trouble or looking stupid not affording to handle a situation because you can be trusted to pay a personal cost later. Smooth experiences with no disruptions to waste your time. Experiences without the disruption of personal cost or feeling being behind. The smooth professional operation or function of your life. Feelings of convenient access to resources or having experiences without problems. It reflects your level of ease having power, opportunity, or pleasure. Feeling that nothing stops you because you can be trusted to pay something back later. Confidence that comes with being successful and never experiencing being poor. Your ability to "make it up" to someone at a later time to enjoy the current moment.

Negatively, dreaming about a credit card represents feelings of carelessness or recklessness with resources or opportunities in order to keep them undisrupted. Overindulgence, living beyond your means, or accumulating debt with little thought to repayment. Overdoing experiencing undisrupted power or the ability to do whatever you want without permission or feeling restricted. A debt, obligation, or emotional deficit that you may be ignoring or downplaying. A lack of consideration for future consequences and a tendency to postpone dealing with issues, assuming that problems can always be solved later. It could also signify dependency on financial security and a fear of losing that security. Avoiding looking stupid in the short-term without thinking of long-term personal costs. Smooth function of your life as long as you do what someone else wants you to do, such as a woman keeping a richer husband happy. Short-term function, access, or pleasure that will have difficult long-term personal costs. Getting something you want without any idea of how to pay for them.

Alternatively, dreaming about credit cards may represent your feelings about money and the satisfaction, pleasure, and security it can bring. Uncertainty about money. Feelings about your ease of making money. Feelings about not needing to worry about money because you have a job or business you rely on to ensure you never do. People who lose jobs or businesses may dream of losing their credit cards. Confidence that you don't have to worry about needing money. A sense of financial security and the ease of making purchases without worrying about payment or debt.

To dream of credit card debt represents feelings of obligation, burden, or an imbalance in your life. A situation where you feel you have overextended yourself, made too many compromises, or given too much of yourself to others. Recklessly enjoying yourself while ignoring personal costs. A disregard for consequences and a lack of responsibility. Feeling trapped by seemingly insurmountable personal costs due to a need for acceptance or maintaining appearances. Positively dreaming of credit card debt represents responsibly carrying a burden to help someone else. Maintaining stability knowing it will have personal costs later. Accepting long-term personal costs for investing in yourself in the present. Anxiety about money problems or getting out of debt.

Alternatively, credit card debt may represent a sense of being overwhelmed by your financial responsibilities, or a fear of facing the consequences of overspending. It could suggest that you are feeling strained or burdened by the weight of your financial obligations and are uncertain about how to fulfill them. The dream may serve as a warning to reassess your spending habits, take control of your finances, or address any financial worries that have been causing you stress."

To dream of evil people with a credit card may reflect feelings about being unable to control short-term enjoyment with lingering personal costs. Spending addiction. Feeling unable to stop someone else from spending your money. Feeling trapped in debt and that you can't do anything about it. Feelings about enemies or competition that doesn't have to waste time because they have easier access to money or resources than you do. Feelings about your own inability to control yourself with resources or opportunities without considering the long-term consequences. Fear or anxiety about your own lack of self-control, especially in regards to finances or personal indulgences. The dream could be a reminder that you need to exert more self-control.

To dream of losing your credit card represents feeling unable to do what you want without restriction, or experiencing barriers to your current lifestyle. Feeling hampered by disruptions. Feelings about money or business problems holding you back. Feeling cut off from a successful life. Uncertainty about your financial future and stress about financial difficulties. Feeling unable to overlook a problem or difficult situation because they are is serious. Feeling unable to "make it up" to someone at a later time to enjoy the current moment. A fear of financial instability or losing the ability to easily navigate through life's challenges financially. A fear of debt, loss of financial security, or loss of autonomy. Positively, dreaming about losing your credit card may represent a conscious decision to limit your spending, reduce your debt, or simplify your lifestyle.

Example: A man dreamed of having to give up his credit card. In waking life, he was experiencing financial difficulties that necessitated more cautious spending. In this case, the credit card may have reflected his confidence in making uninterrupted purchases, with the assumption that his future income would always suffice to settle his debts. Surrendering the credit card signifies a real-life need to curb his spending and live within his means, as his future paychecks were insufficient to cover larger purchases.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of someone handing back her wallet, but keeping her credit card. In waking life, she was living in an unstable marriage and felt unable to overlook a fight with her husband because the fight was too serious. In this case, the credit card being kept from her may have reflected her feelings about losing her confidence in being able to do whatever she wanted without asking her husband due to the ongoing conflict with him.

Diamonds (Playing Cards)

*Please See Playing Cards

Greeting Cards

To dream of a greeting card represents a waking life gesture to show other people that you like them or respect them. You or someone else that is going out of their way to prove to others that they care or aren't mad at them. It may also reflect a strong need to viewed by others as positive.

Negatively, a greeting card could be a sign that you or someone else cares too much about what others think. It may also reflect a shallow display of concern for someone else's feelings without really meaning it.

To dream of trying to pick out a greeting card for someone else represents your attempt to decide how best to show someone else that you care about their feelings. Deciding on a gesture to show your sympathy or concern for their feelings.

Example: A girl dreamed of receiving a greeting card from a guy at her work. In real life she abruptly cut off a relationship with this guy after a first date and then felt the need to confront him to make sure that he didn't hate her for it.

Hearts (Playing Cards)

*Please See Playing Cards

Memory Card

To dream of a photo memory card represents an impermanent impression or accumulation of events. Beliefs, opinions, or notions that can be changed. A fresh start is always an option if you decide to change your mind. Your impression of a situation based on a choice that can be changed at anytime.

A memory card is a sign that a decision you made has left a noticeable or lasting impression on you, and that you can "wipe" this impression clean by changing your mind.

Example: A man dreamed of having a 64 Gig photo memory card. In waking life he refused to go along with demands being made of him knowing it would punish him with terrible lasting memories that he could have chosen to live through differently if he wanted to.



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