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Sleeping Bags

To dream of a sleeping bag represents feelings about behavior that is focused on accepting a situation the way it is while dealing with an uncertain or uncomfortable situation. A protective attitude about never changing your mind during times of change, stress, or unpredictability. Your coping mechanisms for never giving up or changing your mind during situations that are out of the ordinary. A desire for stability and security while navigating an emotionally fraught situation.

Positively, dreaming about a sleeping bag may represent resilience, adaptability, and self-reliance. A temporary phase, suggesting that you understand the transient nature of your current circumstances and are prepared to endure them with a positive attitude.

Negatively, dreaming of a sleeping bag may represent issues with refusing to change your mind and accept that a situation is overwith no matter how unpleasant or unrealistic it becomes. A stubborn refusal to change your mind during unpleasant, cold, unpredictable, or inhospitable moments.

Example: A lesbian woman dreamed of seeing a mother put a sleeping bag on the floor. In waking life, he broke up with her lesbian partner a year earlier in order to move away to deal with loose ends. She eventually finished and was ready to rekindle the relationship. The ex-partner wouldn't talk to her at all. In this case, the sleeping bags may have reflected her desire to cling to the past relationship despite the ex-partner's lack of interest in rekindling their love and her unwillingness to move on. She may have believed that winning her ex-partner back was possible if she endured waiting through her ex's cold attitude long enough while staying loyal to her no matter how uncertain or unpredictable that decision would feel.

Example 2: A teenage girl dreamed of holding a sleeping bag. In waking life, she had left home for 2 months and missed her little sister. In this case, the sleeping bag may have reflected her thoughts about accepting herself staying away from home no matter how uncertain or uncomfortable being away from home felt. She may have had a protective attitude about never changing her mind about refusing to go home during a time of change, stress, or unpredictability.

Trading Card Plastic Sleeve

To dream of a trading card plastic sleeve represents preservation of something you think is valuable. Beliefs, feelings, or situations that you want to keep or think are special. You don't want to give something up, or find another alternative. Protective feelings about accomplishments or memories.

Negatively, a trading card plastic sleeve may reflect your wish to protect or preserve dishonest accomplishments. Feeling that it's important to carefully preserve an dishonest accomplishment.

Example: A man dreamed of being arrested for having cocaine saved inside a trading card plastic sleeve. In waking life he realized that he had to stop fantasizing about an old girlfriend he had an amazing sexual experience with if he was to pass a strict spiritual testing. The trading card plastic sleeve in this case may have reflected his tendency to preserve the bad habit of fantasizing about his ex-girlfriend when he knew it wasn't a moral.


To dream of a backpack represents self-sufficiency and self-reliance keep to yourself until it's important. It reflects an area of your life where you are independently handling things. This may include dealing with problems on your own or pursuing your own goals. The backpack may also symbolize hopes, desires, and secrets that you prefer to keep to yourself until it's important. Taking responsibility for her own enjoyment and fulfillment. Feeling that you are not ripping yourself off for why you would do something yourself.

Negatively, dreaming about a backpack may represent sense of independence and self-sufficiency in pursuing her own interests and desires, despite the disapproval or lack of support from others. Being capable of handling a problem situation on your own without communicating about it to other people which may result in getting caught or future arguments. Feeling that people are too serious about not allowing you to handle situations on your own.

Not feeling exceptional for why you need to be self-sufficient or self-reliant while keeping it yourself.

Example: A woman dreamed of hiding a laptop in her backpack. In real life she was making plans to see a concert that her boyfriend didn't want to see. The backpack in this case reflects the dreamer's sense of independence and self-sufficiency in pursuing her own interests and desires, despite the disapproval or lack of support from others. The backpack serves as a symbol of her ability to carry the things she needs on her own and to take responsibility for her own enjoyment and fulfillment. It may also suggest that she is keeping her plans and desires hidden or secret until the right moment to reveal them, indicating a sense of caution or strategic thinking in pursuing her goals because it may end up in a fight with her boyfriend to openly discuss her plans. The backpack reveals her willingness to "go it alone" and make plans for the concert anyway.

Example 2: A woman had a dream of finding a black backpack at work and then walking home with her husband behind her following her home asking her where she was going. In waking life the woman was very focused on paying bills. In this case the backpack may have reflected her self-reliance and self-sufficiency in managing her finances and the money needed to pay bills. The husband following her home may symbolize external pressures or concerns about her financial situation, but the dreamer's focus on the backpack and the money in it suggests that she is capable of handling it on her own.


To dream of a shoulder bag represents feelings of practicality, responsibility, and preparedness in your waking life with a sense of identity about being comfortable that it's not important. Being prepared or ready to handle life's challenges while also maintaining a sense of personal style or identity. Your ability to carry your essentials or burdens with ease, grace, and confidence. A sense of identity and utility about not embarrassing yourself for not having what you need with you to deal with problem situations. Capability and confidence in managing responsibilities.

Positively, dreaming about a shoulder bag may represent practicality combined with a sense of fashion or personal expression. You feel well-prepared and organized in your waking life, capable of handling various situations without compromising your sense of self. A harmonious blend of necessity and personal.

Negatively, dreaming about a shoulder bag could represent feelings of being weighed down by responsibilities or challenges that you are trying to carry with style but are finding burdensome. It might suggest that you are concerned with appearances and how you are perceived by others, possibly at the expense of addressing deeper issues. Alternatively, it could indicate a reliance on appearances related to liking yourself as a person in order to define your identity or sense of worth while dealing with life challenges. Issues with being vain while dealing with life problems.

Example: A non-binary teenager dreamed of going being in a store in the purse section and picking up an over-the-shoulder bag instead of a purse. In waking life, they were preparing to host a prom. In this case, the shoulderbag being chosen instead of a purse may have reflected their feelings about their gender being an issue with not wanting to embarrass themselves by appearing too traditionally feminine or masculine while dealing with the social challenge of preparing to attend prom. The shoulder bag symbolized a more neutral or versatile choice that aligned with their sense of non-binary identity, indicating readiness and preparation for the event while maintaining comfort in their gender expression.

*Please See Utility Bag

*Please See Purse



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